Can anybody beat Steve Durey in Bunker Boys Pattaya golf?

Winner at Greenwood, not the lone ranger, but Les Cobban.
Winner at Greenwood, not the lone ranger, but Les Cobban.

PSC Bunker Boys Golf

Monday, June 1st Pleasant Valley

1st Steve Durey (20) 33 points

2nd Michael Brett (15) 32 points

3rd Geoff Parker (18) 28 points

Near pins: Tony Robbins, Peter Kelly, & Steve Durey.

Exactly one month since our last visit to Pleasant Valley where nothing had changed. The course was in excellent condition with the exception of the greens which were deceptively slow. They were closely mown and looked like they should be quick, something that caught everyone off guard. It’s hard to fathom how greens that looked quick could be so incredibly slow.

Rain threatened through the round but fortunately stayed away, although at one stage it got uncomfortably close. Despite recent rain, there was no need for pick, clean, and place.

Since the return to play scoring has stayed disappointingly low with only one score over forty points. Monday was no different with only two golfers getting into the thirties. Once again Steve Durey topped the list with thirty-three, followed one adrift by Michael Brett. Geoff Parker rounded out the scoring on twenty-eight points. One near pin each to Peter Kelly, Tony Robbins, & Steve Durey. Steve is on a hot winning streak at present, can anyone stop him?

We are studying options for an away trip by the end of the month assuming hotels are open. Olivier Daniels of Serenity Resort and Spa has suggested a nice itinerary that takes in Lotus Valley, Khao Cha-Ngok, Royal Hills, and Kabinburi. Those interested should maintain close contact with Tony Robbins to keep abreast of developments.

Bridesmaid of the week Michael Brett.
Bridesmaid of the week Michael Brett.

Wednesday, June 3rd Pattaya Country Club

1st Steve Durey (20) 36 points

2nd Michael Brett (15) 33 points

3rd Geoff Parker (18) 32 points

Near pins Tony Robbins & Michael Brett X 2.

The difference between Wednesday and Monday was the venue. The results were just the same, with the same three players in the same order again, although the scores were slightly better. Being a public holiday the course was very busy, in fact, it looked just like the high season. Despite being holiday pricing the course accepted PSC Vouchers so a bonus for us on the pricing front. The course was in as good condition as we have seen it and luckily the rain stayed away.

People are starting to ask if anyone will ever beat Steve Durey. He always seems to have enough points to beat everyone else as he did again Wednesday with thirty-six points. It looked at one stage like Geoff Parker might have done it with a superb display of putting from both on and off the greens, but he fell away to finish third. Some very loose play also saw Michael Brett drop out of contention but a late rally of three pars on the last three holes was enough to take second place.

Tony Robbins had his name on three near pin flags but only managed to keep one with Michael Brett taking two.

Friday, June 5th Greenwood B & A

1st Les Cobban (8) 39 points

2nd Michael Brett (15) 35 points

3rd Geoff Parker (18) 32 points

Near pins Peter Kelly, Steve Durey, & Geoff Parker.

A good message to all golf courses, keep your course in good condition and green fees reasonable and people will come to play. Friday we had our biggest group since golf opened up again, in fact, all our resident golfers with the exception of the Brown Snake were on hand. An unseasonably cool, overcast cloudy day for our last game of the week at Greenwood where we were allocated the B & A nines.


Rain threatened several times but the most we got was a bit of drizzle. With the benefit of hindsight, we should have played pick, clean, and place as overnight rain made the course soggy in places and mud balls were common.

After topping the score sheet for the past three games Steve Durey was not in his customary position Friday and missed out completely. Les Cobban played inspired golf to top the list with an excellent thirty-nine off an eight handicap.

Second and third places were just the same as Monday and Wednesday with Michael Brett playing bridesmaid in second place and Geoff Parker in third. Geoff hasn’t topped the winner’s list for some time but given his current form, the wait is nearly over.

Near pins went to Peter Kelly, Steve Durey, and Geoff Parker.