Cassa finally gets chance to celebrate

(L to R) Alan Sanders, Stu Casa Rifkin, Lorraine Percy, Rudy Regenass, Keith Buchanan and Steve Younger.
(L to R) Alan Sanders, Stu Casa Rifkin, Lorraine Percy, Rudy Regenass, Keith Buchanan and Steve Younger.

PSC Golf from The Growling Swan

Monday, August 27 Mt Shadow – Stableford

Nineteen golfers departed the Growling Swan a little earlier than the 8.30 departure time that was scheduled, and surprisingly all golfers were saddled up and ready to go!

Firstly, let me remind all players that once your name goes down on the start sheet, that remains the order of play! If one of your group pulls out or fails to turn up, please don’t ask me to place your threesome in front of all other players! In saying that, the “Captain of the day” or the groups involved have the discretion to make changes as he sees fit, once at the course.

The weather was overcast for most of the day which made for pleasant playing conditions and despite overnight rain, carts were allowed on the fairways.

The white tees were selected and lift clean and place on the fairways was implemented for the day.

Once again, it was the tricky greens at Mt Shadow that played a major part in restricting high scoring in today’s round. Two points separated six players and the count back was needed to determine second, third and fourth podiums. Missing out were Lorraine Percy and the Colonel (Alan Sanders) both on 35 points. Ruuuuudy Regenass took out 4th spot, Keith Kissy Buchanan 3rd, runner up was Steve slugger Younger all with 36 points, whilst Stu Cassa Rifkin to the sound of many boos, took out first place with 37 points, compliments of his 19 handicap! (Soon to be amended)

Results for Mountain Shadow

1st – Stu Rifkin (19) 37 points

2nd – Steve Younger (15) 36 points

3rd – Keith Buchanan (14) 36 points

4th – Rudy Regenass (15) 36 points

Near pins: Alan Sanders, Stu Rifkin, Keith Buchanan, Patrick Possier.

Long putts: Allan Nolan & Rudy Regenass.

Back at the Swan, our host Peter Grey bade welcomes to Graham (Patch) Lawrie, Dave Neal and Stu Cassa Rifkin who has been noticeably absent since his handicap soared.

With no farewells imminent, Peter thanked all in attendance for their continued support and once again, Alex Field paraded the Charity hound (D-For) around to collect contributions for the less fortunate children of Pattaya, the ultimate beneficiaries of all the generous punters and players offerings.

Thursday, August 30
Pleasant Valley G.C. – Stroke

“It was the Inspector that took The Mug – Patrick Poussier.”

Must be something about Mug Day. With a 10am tee time, all golfers arrived and were waiting to leave well in advance of our departure time. Two buses and a couple of cars were to make the journey. Twenty four starters ensured that we were to play 2 flights. Numbers are creeping up which is good for us “Outlets”.

Pleasant Valley was today’s destination and with B650 G/F vouchers it made this the ideal venture for today’s golf!

The course was in great nick, and one would think that the scores reflected this. Weather played on the golfers’ side of things with the first half of the day’s play enjoying the comfort of a cool breeze rarely seen or felt on any course these days. After some discussions the marshal sent us from the tenth and we took the course on from the white tees.

We played two flights (as numbers were there for us) A Flight was 0 to 21 and B Flight was 22 plus. First time for a while A was getting thru with such a high handicap. Of course all novelties were in play!

A Flight saw Buffalo Bill Stienmann and Alex “Field of Dreams” (one of my all time fav movies) go to the count back with Buffalo taking the day’s honors with a better back nine. Coming in third and filling the podium was Denis Steele; you can’t keep him far from the money!

B Flight saw today’s “Take it Easy” Mug winner emerge. Patrick Poussier busted thru the pack with a very good net 68 for the round. But, not to be outdone was his playing partner Gordon Clegg who was only one shot from the pace. Those couple days of rest from golf definitely helped you mate!

Filling our third spot on the podium was the ever reliable Wan Makmul. Be careful Dick, she is close to getting that name right!

All in all it was a good day of golf carried out at a good course in good conditions.

Results for Pleasant Valley

A Flight 0 to 21

1st Bill Stienmann 12) 69 net.

2nd Alex Field 18) 69 net.

3rd Denis Steele 15) 70 net.

B Flight 22 plus

1st Patrick Poussier 30) 68 net.

2nd Gordon Clegg 25) 69 net.

3rd Wan Makmul 24) 73 net.

Near the pins: 5th Steve Younger, 8th Martin Todd, 13th Brad Todd, and 17th Chris Stewart.

Long first putt: 9th Chris Stewart and 18th Allan Nolan.

It was great to see so many of The Novelties went straight into D-For!

Back at the Swan we welcomed back “Buffalo” Bill Stienmann and the lovely Yarnni having her first hit with us!

We then said goodbye to Keith Buchanan, John Coetzee & Ronald J Gillett esq. Safe travel boys hope to see you soon!

Alex set resident charity hound D-For from his chain and gratefully received donations from the players and punters, they are all thanked for their continued contributions. D-For is renowned for his charity collection, and continues to do a great job!