IPGC Golf from the Tara Court
Sunday, March 26, St. Andrews – Stableford
A Flight
1st Nick Caulfield (6) 40pts
2nd Paal Andersen (13) 39pts
3rd Kevin Blake (6) 36pts
B Flight
1st Donal McGuigan (18) 32pts
2nd Joe Peters (20) 30pts
3rd Peter Wallace (23) 30pts

Due to the Singha Championship, which was being staged at Green Valley, we were moved over to St. Andrews today for our regular Sunday game. We had some heavy rain and had to stop for a while and while our last few groups had to finish the last few holes in the rain it didn’t seem to have affected their scores as the best returns of the day came from those groups.
Nick Caulfield was coming towards the end of his holiday and he certainly went out in style by going round in two over par gross for an excellent forty points and capture the A flight honours. A close second was Paal Andersen who was also playing his last game for this trip and came in today with thirty-nine points. Kevin Blake got third place with thirty-six.

In the B flight the scoring wasn’t as good, with Donal McGuigan winning with just thirty-two points on his card. Joe Peters made his regular visit to the podium, today coming second with thirty points and beating Peter Wallace on count back.
For the second Sunday in a row we didn’t have any ‘2’s.