Clegg takes the honours at Bangpra


PSC Golf from the Tropical Golf Group

Tuesday, May 12, Bangpra – Stableford

This course does not get any easier, despite the fact that the greens these days are not as fast as they once were.  So a full field turned up at BJ’s early in the morning to travel up to Bangpra where it was interesting to note that the parking area was not overfull.

Once booked in and were soon out to the first tee where we were able to get off pretty quickly.  The course was in good condition if a bit hard.  One of the big problems today was that the par-3’s were set at maximum distance and all my tee shots ended up in the water.  Mind, one bounced out near the pin so I suppose it was a good shot!

David Nicholson & Gordon Clegg with one of B.J. Holiday Lodge’s finest.David Nicholson & Gordon Clegg with one of B.J. Holiday Lodge’s finest.

As we neared the end of the round the sky darkened and spots of rain started to fall and the caddies put the covers on.  Fortunately the rain seemed to pass us by but some of the later groups got a bit wet.

Back at base it was soon time for the results and in the A Flight, 0 to 18, the winner was David Nicholson with 35 points ahead of a count back on 34 points that saw Andre Van Dyk in second and Mashi in third.

In the B Flight, the winner with the best score of the day of 40 points was Gordon Clegg.  In second with 37 points was Tom McDowell and in third was Mick Coghlan with 33.

Near Pins: Brian Parish, David Hutchinson, David Nicholson, Tom McDowell

Long Putts: Tom McDowell, John Anderson

Friday, May 15, Greenwood – Stableford

This is a course we like going to and there is practically always a unanimous ‘yes’ for keeping it on the monthly schedule.  Mind, it does have its drawbacks, and one of these is that it is the most distant golf course from Pattaya that we play regularly.  I suppose there are a few that are played now and again that are a longer drive, but we play this course every month.

Today we were to play the C & B nines in that order.  C1 is always a tough start and these days the course seems to be getting more difficult.  Mind, this day some did not find it very difficult and our first three-ball was around in about 3.5 hours (walking), which is good in this day and age.

John Davis & Graham Buckingham with a B.J. helper.John Davis & Graham Buckingham with a B.J. helper.

The fairways were fine all the way around while the rough was not pleasant, but that is what rough is for.  A big item of discussion was the greens: some players thought they were fine and others thought they were not up to their normal standard.  I suppose it depended on how you played in some respects.

Back at B.J.’s it was straight into results.  In the A Flight, 0 to 17, the winner was John Davis with 36 point ahead of a count back on 35 points that saw Mark West in second and Andrew Purdie in third.

In the B Flight the winner was Graham Buckingham with the best score of the day, 42 points, and taking second was Mick Coghlan with 35.  David Nicholson completed the podium in third place with 34 points. T.T.F.N.

Near Pins: Bob Watson (2), John Costello

Long Putts: Andre Van Dyk, John Davis