Coghlan & Parish post best of the week

Landis Brooks (from left) with Mick Coghlan and Graham Buckingham.

PSC Golf from the Tropical Golf Group

Tuesday, Jan. 8, Pattavia – Stableford

The day’s course was Pattavia Century Golf Club and it proved quite a challenge, with only Mick Coghlan able to score better than his handicap. A few sprinkles of rain fell as we started to tee-off, but as soon as umbrellas were opened, the sun was shining again.

Today we had a total field of 22 players, with eleven winners, spread over three flights. The minimum half the field being a prizewinner is proving very popular.

In the A flight (0–15) Landis Brooks was on top with 35 stableford points, playing from his handicap of 8. Second went to Mashi Kaneta (13) with 32 points and Paul Weatherley (15) was in third with 31.

In the B flight (16-22), Mick Coghlan (22) was first with 37 points, second went to Joe Sparwirth (22) on 30, while Daryl Evans (22) bested Brian Gabe on countback for third, both with 29.

In the C flight (23+), Graham Buckingham (24) was first past the post with 34 points and Don Carmody (26) claimed second on countback over Frank Xin (23), both with 32.

The best front nine (non-winners) went to Brian Gabe’s 17, while John Davis had the best back nine score, with 18 points.

Friday, Jan 11, Crystal Bay – Stableford

This Friday a healthy twenty eight golfers took advantage of nice weather and friendly green fees to head to Crystal Bay, a “go figure” kind of course. Some days you can shoot 37 points and not even get a nod. Other days, those with 20-something are shocked to be called. Today was one of the latter. Given the number of golfers it is surprising only one (Brian Parish) broke handicap and he by just a point.

The course was certainly in poorer condition than last month but with high season rates in play for our more fancied courses we keep it on the menu till low season and then reassess. Some areas were rather soggy, while other dry and brown sections haven’t seen water in a while, and yes, many sections were just right! At 1050 baht to walk there were few complaints though.

The golfers were put into a generous four flights, with three winners each. In the A-Flight (0-14), Brian Parish was top with 37 points ahead of John Davis in second on 34 and Alan Sullivan third with 33.

Tom Herrington topped the B-Flight (15-21) with an even par 36 points on countback over Brian Gabe while Colm O’Donovan was one point further back in third.

C-Flight (22-24) saw Graham Buckingham in first place with 35 points, Joe Sparwirth was second on 34 and Phil Scotton secured third with 30.

Don Carmody was the winner of D-Flight (25+) with a modest 32 points, beating Karen Brown on countback, and David Bailey was third with 28.

Best nines (non-winners) went to Deryl Neufeld and Mick Coghlan.