Cool Kinmond strides ahead


PSC golf from The Three Sisters Bar

The fog was heavy and hadn’t lifted as the first group of golfers took off and it wasn’t until the 4th that it finally cleared up.

Paul Kinmond topped the field with 38 points to win the day.  He was lucky as Herb kept his putts on the same line but further out.  This helped Paul get a good idea on the breaks as he made putt after putt.  Paul also had help as he ripped his shorts as he bent down to line up a putt.  This gave him a little extra comfort and an easier swing with a cooling effect.

Paul Kinmond and Arnold Van De Graf. Paul Kinmond and Arnold Van De Graf.

Arnold Van De Graf had to settle for the second spot with 35 points as he couldn’t match Paul on the greens.

Bill Thompson had one of his worst days on the course as he came in with a score in the low 20’s.  A few of us did not do much better.  It was either a hangover or a bad day for golf.  Hopefully next week will be better.