Cooper bags a double


The Tropical Golf Group

Tuesday, Feb. 14, Khao Kheow – Stableford

This course is on our schedule every month for one particular reason, it is a really great layout and when you finish your round you know you have been taking on an ‘opponent’ that will not give an inch.  If you make a bad shot here, you will be punished.

We were due to play what I considered the best combination (A & B nines) here today so off we went directly into a howling wind.  It was difficult to keep the head wear on and if you got the ball going sideways and it really went.  Ever noticed when you are into a gale force wind how when you turn and expect it is behind you, it seems to drop, well on this day it did not, it just blew.

Dave Cooper (left) and Mashi Kaneta (right) with one of BJ Lodge’s staff members.
Dave Cooper (left) and Mashi Kaneta (right) with one of BJ Lodge’s staff members.

It was crazy on the greens, which on this day were fast.  Putting downhill with the wind behind was impossible and many were the times the ball just took off with the wind behind.  On one hole, A7, as I remember, putting from below the hole two of our group gave in as they putted the ball up to the hole it just kept blowing back and off the green.  It was difficult.

It was a pleasure getting back to the clubhouse and into a warm shower.  Then into transport and back to BJ’s for the presentation.

There were less low handicap players in the A Flight (0-22) today and this gave Dave Cooper a chance to win it with 38 points.  In second was Brian Parish with 35 points and in third came Bob Britton with 34.  We then had a count back on 33 points that saw Richard Kubicki in fourth and John Davis just missing out.

In the B Flight we had the other two good scores of the day.  The winner was Patrick Poussier with 39 points and in second was Derek Brook with 38.  Taking third was Torsten Bischoff with 34 points ahead of Mick Coghlan in fourth with 32.

The best front nine (for non winners) came from Dick Warberg with 21 points and the best back nine belonged to John Davis with 19.


Near Pins: Joel Flor, Carole Kubicki, Richard Kubicki, Rita Zoebeli.

Long Putts: Mashi Kaneta (2).


Friday, Feb. 17, Treasure Hill – Stableford

The busy season is winding down, and soon temperatures will be winding up.  Right now the Tropical Golfers are in that in-between time.  A slightly reduced but still healthy nineteen golfers met at BJ’s Lodge for good eats and ride assignments.  Today we headed out to Treasure Hill – an interesting layout and tough test.

Despite some construction on the way we arrived in time to get some putts in before teeing off.  With a 1150 baht price including cart, many elected to ride this day even though the weather wasn’t so hot.  Treat yourself sometimes!  The course was in pretty good condition, although the lack of recent rain is starting to show, and TH suffers from that unique Pattaya malady of cutting the fairway too short when the underlying surface doesn’t support it.  Greens here are notoriously difficult, and the pin positions this day were extra punishing.

In the A-Flight (0-18), Treasure Hill was the real winner with no one getting to handicap, but someone has to be first and Mashi Kaneta (H/cap 15) tied for best score of the day with 35 points.  Next was Landis Brook (10) with 32 on count back over Richard Kubicki (15) in third.

In B-Flight (19+), Dave Cooper (22) continued his amazing roll by winning with 35 points, followed by Gorden Clegg (34) and Carole Kubicki (27) each with 32.

Dick Warberg again posted the best front nine score while Graham Buckingham finished strongly with the best inward half


Near Pins: John Davis (2), Daryl Evans, Walter Baechli.