Cooper comes to the fore

Glyn Evans, Gareth Piccinin and Mark Cooper.
Glyn Evans, Gareth Piccinin and Mark Cooper.

The Jomtien Golf Society

Monday, May 6, The Emerald – Stableford

We set the equal cut at 9-18 and 20+ in the two divisions and 36 points came in to win both divisions. Paul Young topped division 1 ahead of Tim Hake just the one point behind. Pete Sumner beat Colin Aspinall on a 20/16 back-nine countback to take third place after they both came in with 34 points.

Tom Novak won division 2 with his even-par score while a 19/17 countback saw Gil Phillips take second and Rick Assi third after two 35’s came in. Leo Adam was fourth with 28 points.

There are eight prizes in the near pins today but only four happy chappies: (Div 1) Nik Evans (x2) and Paul Young, and (Div 2) Ray Kingwell.

There were no 2s in either division so two rollovers in division 1 and one in division 2 to Burapha on Wednesday.

Wednesday, May 8, Burapha – Stableford

We were allocated the A and B nines today and were playing off the white tees, but after nine holes there were many moved forward to the red tee position and this was reflected in the scores. This was our first visit here for six months and everyone enjoyed the round, with the these two nines in good condition and some very slick greens.

We had an identical cut as of Monday in the two divisions and Mark Cooper with 41 points won division 1 ahead of Pete Sumner in second on 37 and Gareth Piccinin third with 35.

Glyn Evans topped division 2 with 38 points while William Chang was second one point behind and Gil Phillips took third on 31.

Near pins went to (Div 1) Mark Cooper (x2), Gareth Piccinin and Paul Young, and (Div 2) William Chang and Ray Kingwell.

Mark Cooper birdied B3and Paul Young B8, both in division 1, to record the only 2s of the day.