Cuypers departs in winning style


PSC Golf from the Growling Swan

Thursday, April 9, Pleasant Valley – Stableford

Despite the exodus from Pattaya due to the approaching Songkran we still had two busloads of players looking forward to the game today at Pleasant Valley.  Dave Fletcher was welcomed for a brief stay in Pattaya and Fred Cuypers farewelled as he was due to head back to Australia.

Hot weather greeted the players at the course and carts were not permitted on the fairways whilst the greens were slower than a politician’s promise coming to fruition.

(L-R) Marc Henkle, Pierre Cere & Fred Cuypers.(L-R) Marc Henkle, Pierre Cere & Fred Cuypers.

Fred Cuypers, sparkling like the duco on a new Ferrari, handed in thirty nine points to take first place while Pierre Cere took second spot on a count back over Marc Henkel, both players scoring thirty seven points.

1st Fred Cuypers (15) 39pts

2nd Pierre Cere (20) 37pts

3rd Mark Henkel (24) 37pts

Near Pins: Fred Cuypers (2), John Coetzee, Sandy Leiper.

Long Putts: Pierre Cere, John Coetzee.

Upon being awarded The Coveted Compass Cap, Andrew Allen sustained some acute discomfort however this was dispatched to the outer reaches of this less than memorable golfing achievement after a decent session on the lunatic soup.

Our resident hound Deefa was once again on hand to collect donations from the generous punters and they are thanked for their efforts.

Note: The GS is a friendly golf outlet and caters for and encourages all golfers male and female to have a hit at any of our weekly outings.  We generally play Mondays and Thursdays at one of the many fine golf courses in and around Pattaya. Please contact Peter Grey if you are interested on 0861 503086.

The Growling Swan also caters to the bowls enthusiasts.  Bus transport departs the GS on Wednesdays at 10 AM to play at Cocos on undercover synthetic greens and on Sundays at the same time for open grass bowling at The Retreat.  Please contact Paul Rennison on 0843 454005 if you wish to partake. The cost including return bus transport, bowling fees and a hot lunch is less than 400 baht so great value for a day out.