Dale doubles up for the week


PSC golf from The Blue Moose Sports Bar

Monday, August 6, Pattaya C.C. – Stableford

The turnout was better at Pattaya Country Club with 7 golfers showing up, including our 2 lady golfers just back from playing in the Jackalope Open.  Oiy missed the long drive prize by driving the ball through the fairway while Jan had a closest to the pin and took 1st place in the women’s division.  The Moose was well represented at the tournament as our manager Gay also had a closest to the pin.

Dale Murphy returned to golf today after a back injury and took first place with 42 points.  Arnold, back in town, came in second with 38 points while last week’s winner Bruce was back to reality and 28 points.

Monday’s top two, Dale Murphy, left, with Arnold. Monday’s top two, Dale Murphy, left, with Arnold.

At the start of golf there was no wind and the gnats were out in force.  Oiy and Jan made some attire changes to address the problem of gnats in the ears.

Wednesday, August 8, Green Valley – Stableford

Green Valley was the venue for the Blue Moose Wednesday golfers.  Discussions before starting out covered how the management keeps changing the hole sequence here.  Well sure enough they did change: Hole #1 is now the old hole 1 on the par 5 with traps in the middle; the old hole 1 is now hole #3 over the water; and hole #4 is now the par 3 which follows the new #1.  Hope everyone is confused.

Dale Murphy continued his winning ways with a score of 37 points to top the podium.  Joe St. Laurent was the one to beat after scoring 22 points on the front 9 but he collapsed with only 10 points on the back 9 to finish in second.

Ciano Glavino returned to the fold from Australia and Mark Campbell informed us this was his last round as he heads back to work.