Dalton sails home at Navy


Travellers Rest Golf Group

The big news this past week concerns the TRGG going over to a five day week.  As from November and the start of the high season in Thailand the TRGG will be organizing golf every Monday, Tuesday, Thursday, Friday and Saturday at different venues on every day.  Already the numbers arriving in Pattaya to play golf have shown a marked increase despite the inclement weather and it looks as though this trend will continue leading up to Christmas.

The TRGG organisers have been working hard to get the best deals from the various courses around Pattaya and claim that what they have to offer is second to none, so when you arrive in Pattaya come and look us up at the Ned Kelly Bar in Soi Lengkee.

John Baxter & Neil Bramley.John Baxter & Neil Bramley.

The weather last week was decidedly “iffy” and many of us got a good soaking.  After many a downpour it required a lengthy wait whilst the greens turned into ponds and back to greens, which led to a tedious six hour round on Wednesday.  Needless to say good scores were hard to come by.

Monday, Oct. 20, Plutalunag – Stableford

On Monday the TRGG headed off to play Plutaluang (North and West courses) and they managed to stay dry, which led to the best score of the week.  Tim Dalton hasn’t appeared at the top of the leader board for a while so I would guess that the 38 points he put together will have had him whistling a happy tune.

It required a count back to separate the two guys who came second and third; Mike Sanders just managing to outdo Louis Flanagan (the Ian Poulter of the TRGG).  It takes something special to outdo Louis as you never know from one day to the next what colour outfit he is going to turn up in.  It might be an eye-watering lime green or a delicate shade of plum or an outrageous sky blue & pink.  Anyway Mike let his golf make the final statement.

1st Tim Dalton (19) 38pts

2nd Mike Sanders (6) 35pts

3rd Louis Flanagan (13) 35pts

Wednesday, Oct. 22, Burapha – Stableford

It was over to Burapha (A and B courses) on Wednesday and although we started off in very hot, humid conditions the thunderstorms soon rolled in and proceeded to soak us.  It also didn’t help having a very slow five-ball in front of all our four-balls so we were backed up all the way round the first nine holes.

Now the courses are getting busy I would request the course Managers to look at the issue of playing numbers.  The previous week at Treasure Hill we even had to play behind a six-ball, which is just not on really.

Such were our numbers at Burapha it required two divisions.  In Division 1 Mike Sanders went one better than on Monday and finished top of pile, with his old adversary Mike Rushant in second and the ever reliable Jim Sykes taking third spot.

In Division 2 it was John Baxter who recorded the best score of the day in very trying conditions and he was followed home by Bob Chiofalo and Frank Courtney.

Div.1 (0-14)

1st Mike Sanders (6) 32pts

2nd Mike Rushant (12) 31pts

3rd Jim Sykes (11) 30pts

Div.2 (15+)

1st John Baxter (16) 35pts

2nd Bob Chiofalo (19) 33pts

3rd Frank Courtney 15) 29pts

Friday, Oct. 24, The Emerald – Stableford

On Friday we rounded off the week at Emerald and again two divisions were necessary.  In Division 1 it was ‘Mr. Unorthodox’ Neil Bramley (he grips the club left hand below right hand) who was the cream on top of the milk.  Again it required a count back to decide who was second and third and it was Poopay who got the better of her other half Fergus, not for the first time she reminded me.

In Division 2 it was two Gary’s fighting it out for top spot and it was Gary Ralph who just got the better of Gary Bennett, with John McGovern coming in third.

Div.1 (0-14)

1st Neil Bramley (8) 37pts

2nd Tewin Poopay Lamthong (13) 34pts

3rd Fergus Brennan (13) 34pts

Div.2 (15+)

1st Gary Ralph (16) 36pts

2nd Gary Bennett (18) 34pts

3rd John McGovern (26) 33pts

Good luck to all you golfers for the coming week and if you would like to play a round of golf with the TRGG, please phone Fergus Brennan on 086 056 7019 or pop into the Ned Kelly Bar in Soi Lengkee and add your name to the weekly lists which are posted on the notice board.