Danny’s day


The Backyard Golf Society

We had a very decent turnout last Friday, Feb. 20, with twelve keen men setting their alarms at six in the morning to make the trip to The Emerald.  The course was a bit sodden after the rains in Banchang the previous evening so we had ‘pick and place’ on the fairways.  The return of the rain also saw more humid conditions and shirts were soaking after a couple of holes.

It was an exciting near-pin today as we had three players within 10 feet of the hole and Mr Oz came out on top, beating The Biss by a foot, with The Impregnator being a further two feet away.

The overall competition was won by Danny ‘the great Dane’ with 37 points, winning on a count back with 21 points on the inward half.  The victor had to rush off quickly and missed the prize giving as he had promised to make his now famous Jamabalaya which is always eagerly scoffed down by the boys after toiling on the golf course.  His winnings were delivered later and he duly stumped up a round for the guys.

The skins were shared as follows: The Quiet Man took the lion’s share with a three-pointer at the 18th which won him nine skins.  Foos yer Doos had 5 skins, The Impregnator took three and The Biss had 2 skins including the rollover of one from the previous week.