PSC Golf from the Billabong Golf Society
Monday, Feb. 19, Phoenix – Stableford
Phoenix on a hot and humid day, we played the Lakes and Ocean loops with seven groups. The course was in great condition but some of the pins were in places that were impossible to get at.
Taking 5th spot was Rick Culley with 38 points and an insulting remark about Capt Bob’s new moustache saying he had seen better looking divots.
Ivor Smith was fourth with 39 points, being beaten on a count-back by Paul Greenaway who shot level par off the stick to score 24 points on the back nine, hard to beat that.
Coming in second place was John Fitzgerald with a fine score of 40 points but Glyn Davies, just back from Hong Kong and playing his best round for a while, scored 41 to take the top spot.
Wednesday, Feb. 21, Green Valley – Stableford
Green Valley today and the greens weren’t as fast as recently but they were still tricky if you got a downhill putt.
We had 15 ladies playing in their own competition and very colorful they were. The scoring today was very good but no lady golfer burned the course up. Miss Phin took top spot on count-back over Miss On, both on 37 points. Another count-back determined third place and Miss Porn claimed it over 3 other ladies, all locked on 36 points. Four ‘2’s came from Miss Phaeng, Miss Lynn, Miss Kran and Miss Ooh.
In the men’s competition the scores were somewhat better with a count-back on 40 points for the minor places. Lloyd Shuttleworth who hadnt seen a golf club in 7 weeks shot 71 gross to get fourth place while third spot went to Tom Parker and second to Peter Thomas, all with 40 points. In first place was Peter LeNoury with a fine 43 points.
There were three ‘2’s, coming from Brendon McGovern, Gerard Lambert and Eric Gobert.
Friday, Feb. 22, Phoenix – Scramble
14 groups playing today at Phoenix Gold and everything went smoothly thanks to the staff. The course was in great condition with fast greens and lush fairways. The scores were great considering the heat we were playing in, the clouds were threatening but apart from a couple of drops of rain it turned out alright.

Michael Anderson’s team took third place with 59.5 net, just being edged out by Richard Steadman, Arab Russell (making a desperate dash from Fremantle to play in this event with his son Joseph) and Alan Beck who scored 59 net for second spot. The winners today were Auke, A.J Beasley, George Way and Brian Scott with a fantastic 56.3.
The next scramble will be held at the same course on the Friday the 30th March.