Decent scores this week for Pattaya’s Bunker Boys Golf

Vale Peter Allen.

PSC Bunker Boys Golf
Monday, June 7th
Burapha Golf Course B & C

1st Dave Ashman (26) 38 points
2nd Roger Awad (20) 36 points
3rd Kevin LeBar (13) 36 points
4th Tony Robbins (19) 36 points
5th Bob Paine (23) 36 points
Near pins Bob Paine, Kevin LeBar, & Tony Robbins X 2.

Once again we had the unusual pairing of the B & C nines for Monday’s game at Burapha. Despite overnight torrential rain, the course was in excellent condition apart from the bunkers. Some had been washed out a bit whilst others still had significant amounts of water in them. There was no need for the pick, clean, and place rule to be applied.

A very pleasant day weather-wise with no sign of rain and a comfortable temperature. As everybody was in carts courtesy of the twelve hundred and fifty baht all-in deal, speed of play was excellent with the lead fourball finished in three hours and fifteen minutes. We didn’t see any other groups on the course till almost the end of play when we saw an eight ball teeing off on B 1.

After the exceptional scoring of the last two weeks, it was back to more normal numbers Monday when it was again tight at the top of the leaderboard. Hours of practice at the driving range are starting to pay dividends for Dave Ashman. With his second score of thirty-eight points in the last three games, Dave was the clear winner by two points. He didn’t reveal who’s coaching from YouTube he was following clearly; it has worked for the past two games. A logjam behind him with four locked together on thirty-six points and separated as listed by countback.

All the near pins were taken with one each to Kevin LeBar and Bob Paine and two to Tony Robbins.

As Wednesday’s game is at Treasure Hill, Dave Ashman’s favorite course it will be interesting to see if he can maintain his recent high standard.

Moe Holmes, winner at Treasure Hill.

Wednesday, June 9th
Treasure Hill Golf Course

1st Moe Holmes (26) 39 points
2nd Paul Smith (2) 37points
3rd Bob Paine (23) 36 points
4th Tony Robbins (19) 35 points
Near pins Jay Babin, Les Cobban, Roger Awad, & Bob Paine.

An excellent field of eighteen for Wednesday’s game at Treasure Hill, the second biggest field of the year so far. This was surprising as the course doesn’t seem to be overly popular with the members and most people find it possibly the most difficult course on our roster. Perhaps some will have a change of mind after Wednesday’s game as the course was in great shape and scoring was very respectable.

A pleasant day weather-wise, it did threaten to rain a couple of times but luckily stayed away. The all-in deal of one thousand and fifty baht meant that just about everyone took a cart, so the speed of play was excellent again with the lead group back in the clubhouse in just over three hours.

Despite a cut of ten on his handicap, Moe Holmes once again took first place with thirty-nine points. Clearly, he wasn’t cut enough as thirty-nine is an excellent score on this difficult course, all the more creditable as Moe plays with only half a set of clubs. One wonders what his real handicap should be.

In top form lately, Paul Smith took second place with thirty-seven points. He also won two sixes from Les Cobban; it’s hard to watch a grown man cry on the course parting with his hard-earned.

Bob Paine took third with a fine thirty-six despite a few hiccups along the way. Finally, in fourth place, Tony Robbins found himself in the winner’s circle for the sixth time in a row, real consistency.

Dave Ashman must have been following a different coach Wednesday, as he was nowhere in the frame. Near pins went to Bob Paine, Jay Babin, Roger Awad, and Les Cobban.

Geoff Parker, winner at Bangpra.

Friday, June 11th
Bangpra Golf Course

1st Geoff Parker (19) 38 points
2nd Neil Harvey (9) 38 points
3rd Paul Smith (2) 37 points
Near pins Les Cobban, Jimmy Carr, Steve Durey, & Neil Harvey.

A field of fourteen for the last game of the week at Bangpra where we got an all-in fee of twelve hundred baht with vouchers. That was two hundred less than the price at the time of booking. It seems like the course management have seen the light and reduced their fees and as a result, the course was very busy in the afternoon.

Rain threatened a couple of times with a few drops falling, luckily it stayed away. It’s been a few weeks now since we were rain-affected, even the temperature Friday was pleasant.

Very decent scoring again Friday with Geoff Parker returning a winning card of thirty-eight points, beating Neil Harvey on countback. As ever Paul Smith was in the mix with thirty-six points in third place. Just for a change, Tony Robbins didn’t appear in the winner’s circle.

All the near pins were taken, again a couple of them were very close. As usual, Les Cobban took one, with the others going to Jimmy Carr, Steve Durey, and Neil Harvey.

We end the week on a sad note with news of the passing of one of our longstanding members Peter Allen. Peter was recently seen at Pattaya Country Club and looked just the same as always with no obvious illness. Apparently, he succumbed to a severe lung infection. Coupled with diabetes, he was unable to shake it off.

In keeping with his British heritage, Peter could reasonably be described as somewhat eccentric. Peter decided to play his golf from another venue in recent years where the arrangements better suited his needs so he lost touch with the Bunker Boys. A mid-twenties handicap player, Peter had a knack for finding himself in the winner’s circle regularly and also winning near pins using the driver from the tee.

He had a penchant for travel and visited many countries in Asia and Oceana. In order to achieve the distinction of having visited one hundred countries in his lifetime he undertook an arduous task a few years ago of visiting twenty-two countries in Europe in nineteen days. Many were left scratching their collective heads asking why?

Peter adds to the list of recently deceased Bunker Boys, together with Peter Hapgood and Frank Quinlan who passed some time ago

May he rest in peace.