Derek finds top form when he needs it

Winner Derek Phillips (C) with Links Ladies Moon (L), Wan (R), and Joy (Front).

Pattaya Sports Club Links Golf Society

Monday, Sept. 14
Laem Chabang A+C

When our fourteen Links Golfers made their way to Laem Chabang it was under the impression that this would be the last time for a while, as the course had increased the price by 460 baht for the Monday special, according to the PSC rates list.

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By the time they arrived back to Links Bar in the afternoon, we had received a message from the course announcing that the current price of 2059 baht would now be extended until at least the end of October. A schedule reshuffle will now be done for October.

With only four groups, and playing order decided, the organizer decided to stay back, assuming that there were some people who could keep things moving smoothly. You should never assume, Johnno!

While a couple of people were at the driving range and some had not yet come from the locker room, a caddy for someone in group three said that it was okay to start early so, without consulting groups scheduled before them, someone in the group decided that going early meant them. So now, we had a four- ball going out ahead of two three balls. So, all the pre-planning was now, Duh!

Nevertheless, with a very quiet course, three groups finished quickly and were back to Links much earlier than expected.

We waited until the last group arrived back before we could finalise the results, and in this group was the card from the eventual winner of the day.

We have noted before how Derek Phillips can find some good form just when he needs it, and his 39 points was very good form. A very impressive 23 points on the front nine makes you wonder what might have been.


Bill Copeland carried on his game from Friday to score another excellent 37 points to take second spot, and perhaps fulfil his hope of getting the handicap going south again.

Tommy Marshall, from his small handicap of #4, played well to have 36 points for third place and Paul Durkan, who also has a low handicap of #5, once again snuck into the placings on 35 points.

Winners at Laem Chabang

1st Place – Derek Phillips (15) – 39 pts

2nd Place – Bill Copeland (13) – 37 pts

3rd Place – Tommy Marshall (4) – 36 pts

4th Place – Paul Durkan (5) – 35 pts

Best Front Nine (non winners) – Peter Lacey – 21 pts

Best Back Nine (non winners) – Wayne Peppernell – 16 pts

We are very happy to see that Laem Chabang has decided to carry on with a good deal for golfers, and we will now put them back on our schedule so that we play our part in the deal.