Duthie and Line double up in Korat


PSC golf from The Fairway Golf Society

Monday, June 20, Pleasant Valley – Stableford

Some very good golf played today, especially by the first three as Dave Done took the honours with his second sub-par round in a month with 38 points.  Second place was decided on 20-16 count-back between Ken Meek and Brian Maddox and the near pin winners were all in the first three also with Brian nabbing two and Dave and Ken sharing the others..

1st Dave Done (19) 38pts

2nd Ken Meek (24) 36pts

3rd Brian Maddox (21) 36pts

Friday, June 25, The Emerald – Stableford

Not so many out today with most of our players away on tour, but the ones that stayed behind played really well as you can see by the scores.  Near pins went to Scott Dobbins (2), Ken Meek and Richard Hurley.

The great group of golfers who went on the tour of Korat pose for a photo.The great group of golfers who went on the tour of Korat pose for a photo.

1st Ken Meek (24) 43pts

2nd Bryan Maddox (20) 39pts

3rd Mark Sline (28) 38pts

Fairways Korat golf tour – Wednesday, June 22, Bonanza G.C. – Stableford

After the three hour journey to get here we found that we had the course to ourselves and the weather was ideal for golf.  Some of us old timers found it tough after sitting in the bus all that time as the joints had ceased up but we marched on as old soldiers do.

Far left Tony Duthie and far right Richard Line, both two time winners on the tour.Far left Tony Duthie and far right Richard Line, both two time winners on the tour.

The ‘2’s pot was taken by John Coetzee (2) and Shane Ruddle.  Other first day results were as follows:

1st Richard Line (10) 37pts

2nd John Coetzee (17) 35pts

3rd Rob Davis (17) 31pts

Thursday, June 23, Panorama G.C. – Stableford

It was only a short 45 min trip to the course, with many people still suffering from hangovers from the night before.

Shane the bus driver eagled the first hole and birdied the last three but still only scored 34 points, but he also had the only ‘2’.

Our Irish navigator Brinny Christie it seemed did not know his left hand from his right and managed to get us lost so the return journey took two and a half hours.  But to everybody’s amusement we thanked him for the sightseeing tour.

A Flight

1st Richard Line (10) 37pts

2nd Mike Gold (17) 35pts

3rd Shane Ruddle (0) 34pts

B Flight

1st Tony Duthie (19) 32pts

2nd Peter Klaus (19) 31pts

3rd George Hayes (21) 29pts

Friday, June 24, Korat Country Club – Stableford

There was a bit of an altercation while we were waiting to tee-off on the first as one of an Australian four-ball finishing on the eighteenth hooked his ball right into the heart of us and never shouted four or came to retrieve his ball and apologise.  Anyway it all soon calmed down and we got away in very blustery conditions.  It was also very nice that a few of the local residents joined us for the day.

There were no ‘2’s today and the winners were as follows:

A Flight

1st Michael Wicke (10) 36pts

2nd Shane Ruddle (0) 34pts

3rd Richard Line (10) 33pts

B Flight

1st Rob Davis (17) 36pts

2nd Peter Klaus (21) 33pts

3rd George Wilson (18) 31pts

Saturday, June 25, Kabinburi G.C. – Stableford

On a last minute decision we decided to stop off at Kabinburi on our way back and have one final round.  We were all so pleased we did as the course was in magnificent condition and the green fee was only 600 baht after 1pm, which for a Saturday was fantastic value.

There was only one ‘2’ won again by Shane but no one minded as he got the drinks in yet again.

A Flight

1st Brad Dippie (8) 32pts

2nd Richard Line (10) 31pts

3rd Shane Ruddle (0) 30pts

B Flight

1st Tony Duthie (19) 32pts

2nd Rob Davis (17) 30pts

3rd Frank Riley (15) 29pts

Everybody from the Fairways would like to thank Brinny Christie and his charming wife Kael for the hospitality they afforded us during our stay.

Note: The Fairways Driving Range is situated at the top of Pattaya Klang on Sukhumvit Road and the society plays every Sun/Mon/Wed & Fri.  Anyone wishing to play with us can call into the club house and put their names down on the lists provided or call Scott on. 083 389 2379.  Transport provided if required.