Eddy ‘the Eagle’ has landed


Why were over 100 golfers, many with their partners, at the Moon River Pun on the evening of Wednesday 27th October?

They were there by invitation from Eddy Beilby to celebrate his recent wedding to long term partner Wi.

In addition two old friends – Collette and Malcolm -were there from the UK who had timed their holiday to attend this special event.

Eddie and Wi provided a lavish buffet created by the Moon River Pub, together with a full bar service which ensured that no glass was ever empty.

Eddy Beilby and his wife Wi get ready to cut their wedding cake at the Moon River Pub.

Eddy had invited Nigel Cannon to be the MC for the evening who got proceedings under way by announcing the cutting of the cake – done in style with a long sword.

Nigel followed this with some words of his and partner Bee’s long time friendship with Eddy and Wi.

Before toasting the happy couple Nigel invited all the men to toast ‘The Ladies’ since they all looked so lovely.

He then thanked Eddy and Wi on behalf of all present for the invitation to share in their special day.

Wi then threw her bouquet in the traditional manner over her shoulder which was almost caught by Richard Livingstone’s lady!

Seamus Cotter – Captain of Lewiinski’s then paid tribute to Eddy as a long serving member, past Captain, and President Elect of Lewiinski’s and presented some wine glasses in appreciation.

Then it was music all the way!

The one unsolved mystery was where was Eddy when the band opened with the romantic ‘Endless Love’ leaving Wi on the dance floor all alone!  Not for long though as a friend came to Wi’s rescue!