Effendie edges tight contest

Mark Effendie (centre) with Bobby Shirkey (right) and Bill Maxwell.
Mark Effendie (centre) with Bobby Shirkey (right) and Bill Maxwell.

PSC Golf from the Pattaya Links Golf Society

Monday, August 6, Laem Chabang – Stableford

A Flight

1st Mark Effendie (15) 35pts

2nd Tom Gorey (15) 35pts

3rd Geoff Wallace (16) 34pts

4th Kevin LaBar (14) 33pts

B Flight

1st Darren Beavers (21) 33pts

2nd David Marshall (18) 33pts

3rd Pierre Zbingden (18) 31pts

4th Mike Tottenham (20) 31pts

The society travelled to Laem Chabang on Monday for another joust on the Jack Nicklaus creation, which was in excellent condition as always.

The option was still the B-C combination and steady rain the day before had made the C course softer than the front half, leaving nine very long holes to conclude the round.

A quartet of fine golfers playing elsewhere in the first round of the defence of the group’s Pattaya Matchplay Series competition did not detract from the intensity of the day’s competition and the forty-two golfers, in two flights, cut at seventeen and under, set about their task on time and in good order.

In the second flight, fourth place went to Mike Tottenham with 31 points, losing out on count-back, a little disappointing when one recalls the form he is in currently. Beating him into third place was Pierre Zbinden with another solid round. In second was David Marshall with a steady 33 points whilst the winner was Darren Beavers with a count-back bonus, also on 33 points.

In the top flight, Kevin LaBar took fourth place with 33 points, one behind Aussie Geoff Wallace who was celebrating his final round this trip with 34 points. It took another count-back to decide the top two and the unlucky golfer was Tom Gorey whose 35 points gave him the runner-up envelope, whilst Mark Effendie took the main prize with the same number of points.

Near pins went to Maurice Roberts (B8 and C5), Mark Effendie (B5) and Tom Gorey (C8) – yes, it was that tight all the way through.