Ferris finishes top on count back


PSC golf from Tropical Bert’s

Tuesday, Jan. 8, Pleasant Valley – Stableford

This day was a bit of a split, with many of our normal players playing the PSC Club Championship, the remainder decided on a day out at Pleasant Valley.  Thus we had a reduced number, but still turned out four groups.

It was quite interesting, early at Bert’s, to find players for both groups meeting there and indeed difficult at times to sort out who went where.  Still, the players for Pleasant Valley finally got underway and were off for their day out.  The travel to the course being on a nice quiet day, we were soon there and booked in.

Tuesday’s winners with two of Bert’s finest.vTuesday’s winners with two of Bert’s finest.

This was a very fine day weather wise, and we found we were to start on the 10th, which is a difficult hole.  So away we went just about on time.  The Course was quite full, so we knew it was not going to be the quickest of days, but we trundled along quite well.  The fairways were not too bad, but the greens were a bit the worse for wear.  Most courses are quite hard now and the ball runs well.

We were soon round and it has to be said that the ‘Boys’ who walked struggled, so it was into the showers and a cold one was bliss, then into the restaurant and back to Pattaya.

Mark West  Mark West

Back at Bert’s we had many who played the PSC Club Championship dropping in for a beer, but we got on with the winners.

The winner with 39 points was James Ferris ahead of a count back that saw Alan Sullivan in second with Keith Phillips in third.  Well done all, but playing with Keith Phillips, who does not get into the winners often, it was noticeable that he had no points on the last two holes.  Sometimes when you realise you are playing well, Bang! it all goes.  Still, we did have a few beers.

Near pins went to Ken Hatton, John Hackett, Mike Gaussa and Alan Sullivan.

Friday, Jan. 11, Plutaluang – Stableford

This being the second day of the PSC Club Championship we had a few who were not playing there so off they went to Plutaluang, and I have to confess that in the circumstances, I decided to catch up on 40 winks.

Plutaluang, so I am told, was very dry with slow greens.  The West and North was the 18 holes played, and not surprisingly, with it being a Friday, the course was full, leading to the normal 5 hour round.  It seems that many players like to play here but the South and East was the layout most wanted to play, so that was maybe even slower.  Still those who went seemed to have had a reasonable time.

Back at Bert’s it was soon time for the winners to be announced, and the winner was Mark West with 37 points ahead of Mike Gaussa in second on count back.  In third was Walter Baechli with 36 points.

Near pins were claimed by Mike Gaussa, Alan Sullivan, Gary Hobbs and Don Richardson.

We were then reminded it was happy hour and proceeded to give it full justice.  T.T.F.N.