Jomtien Golf with the IPGC
Monday, Feb. 27, Parichat – Stableford
It looked quite busy in the car park as we pulled in, but our 9.02 tee was brought forward by 15 minutes which surprised us all. Just under 32 players out today so only two divisions with the cut set at 5-16 and 17+.
Mike Fitzgerald, playing off the silver tees, returned the best score of the day to win with 44 points. Peter Davies was second on 37 and Ger Lodge beat Jerry McCarthy 16/13 on a back-nine count back after they both came in with 35 points each, nobody likes to see that.
Barney Sheedy topped division 1 standings with 38 points, with Bob Comartin second on 35 and one point behind in third place was Ron Miller.
Near pins went to (Div 1) Ted Lodge, Terry Madsen, Barney Sheedy and Dennis Scougall, and (Div 2) Jim Connelly, Mike Fitzgerald (2) and Ger Lodge.
There were no ‘2’s in division 1 so a rollover to Wednesday but in division 2 Bruce Gardner birdied the 2nd and Mike Fitzgerald the 11th to split the pot.

Wednesday, March 1, Pattaya C.C. – Stableford
Our first visit here for a couple of months due to many negative remarks regarding the condition of the course but it must seem popular as we had 10 four-balls out today with the cut at 5-15, 16-19 and 20+.
Bob Comartin won division 1 with 40 points, with Dennis Scougall second on 35 and Pete Sumner coming third with 34.
Ger Lodge also scored 40 points to win division 3, with David Phillips second one point behind and Finn Olsen taking third after beating Peter Davies and Fred Temminick on count back after they all came in with 35 points each.
Harry Vincenzi edged Jerry Mccarthy 20/19 on a back-nine to win division 2 after they both shot 38 point scores, and Mike Fitzgerald picked up third place with 36.
Near pins were claimed by (Div 1) Bob Comartin, Dave Horne, Steve Richardson and Dennis Scougall, and (Div 2) Peter Davies, Mike Feighan, GerardHulsbosch and Harry Vincenzi.
Bob Comartin birdied the 7th and Dennis Scougall the 12th to share the ‘2’s pot in division 1 and in the second division David Phillips on the 7th and Paul Sturgeon the 12th did likewise.
There were no complaints after the round so we will be booking here again soon.

Friday, March 3, Eastern Star – Stableford
The majority of Koreans have gone now and we are back to our normal tee time of 9.15. We had eleven groups out today with three divisions and the almost equal cut of 8-16, 17-21 and 22+.
With 40 points on the card Jerry Mccarthy stormed to victory in division 2, five clear of Max Wilson in second place while Tony Thorne was third with 34.
In the frame again, Dennis Scougall won division 1 with 38 points, the Durham boy in his last game with us, came second with 35 and Brian Green took third with 33 points.
In division 3 a meager 31 points was enough to win it for captain Peter Davies ahead of Magne Gunnarsson in second on 30 and John Kelly third with 29.
Near pins went to (Div 1) Mikael Andersson, Bill Bertram, Brian Green and Dennis Scougall, and (Div 2) Steve Harris, Jerry McCarthy (2) and Harry Vincenzi.
Dennis Scougall secured the only ‘2’ of the day in division 1 (a rollover kitty as well) with a birdie on the 6th, and Jerry McCarthy birdied the 17th to be a happy man in division 2.