Gamble & Berger hit form at Pattana


Jomtien Golf with the IPGC

Monday, August 12, Eastern Star – Stableford

A public holiday today so we were at Eastern Star along with another three societies from the Pattaya area, who teed off just behind us.

It didn’t look too promising as we drove towards the course with heavy dark clouds overlooking the coastline and just after the turn for the last group it started to rain but it was very light and soon cleared up. 

Now playing off 22, Tony Cowe recorded the best score of the day to win division 2 with 36 points.  Iain Walsh was second all of seven points behind and in third place with 28 points was ‘Count back’ Burnie.

Grenville Hill.Grenville Hill.

The Khao Yai boy Tim Hake topped division 1 with 33 points and Terry Madsen beat Marty Rock on a 13/12 back six count back for second after they both scored 19 on the back nine with 31 points overall.

There are no winners in the ‘2’s today so a rollover ensued in both divisions to Pattana on Wednesday.

Wednesday, August 14, Pattana – Stableford

After we checked in we were allocated the A and B courses today and after a few discussions we decided to play off the yellow tees at 6,483 yards rather than the whites at 6,876 and due to the heavy overnight rain we implemented a ‘pick, clean and place’ policy on the fairways and fringe areas only.

There was an equal cut in the divisions today with 10- 18 in the top flight and 22 plus in division 2 and playing off 18, Neil Gamble won division 1 with 40 points.  Terry Madsen came in second with 37 points and Billy Fitzgerald was third a further point behind Terry.

With his best score for many months and now playing off 28, Roar Berger claimed division 2 honours with 38 points and was followed onto the podim by Glenn King in second on 36 and Khao Yai winner Tony Cowe third with 34.

Near pins went to Billy Fitzgerald, Terry Madsen (2), Neil Gamble, Glenn King and Bryan Priestley.

Bryan Priestley.Bryan Priestley.

Terry Madsen birdied A3 to take the division one ‘2’s pot and two birdies on B7 for John Biceglio and Glenn King saw them split the second division booty.

It was bon voyage today to Tim Hake and his lovely wife Uan who were going back to Rushton in the UK for four months and also to Tony Cowe – there will be a few new faces on the winner’s podium now!

Friday, August 16, Easter Star – Stableford

There was heavy rain here the day before so once again we employed the pick clean and place ruling but it was still tough going with no run on the fairways and some wicked pin placements around a yard or two from the front fringe of the greens.

The testing conditions were reflected in the scores as 33 points was the best of the day, winning division 1 for Karl Flood.  Paul Butler came in second one point behind Karl and in third place with 29 points was Tony Thorne after beating Darryl Blair on a 18/17 back nine count back.

Eiichi Matsumoto’s 30 points placed him on top in division 2 with Iain Walsh second on 28 and Peter Davies third after poor Rod Howett lost out on an 18/16/15 back nine count back. Nobody was able to hit a green to claim a nearest the pin in division 2 while in the premier flight Karl Flood got 2 and Tony Thorne and Harry Vincenzi shared the pot with him.

We had to say bon voyage today to Danny Greer who will be returning in early November.

Bruce Gardner.Bruce Gardner.