Glover shines through in the rain

Niall Glover.
Niall Glover.

PSC Golf from the Bunker Boys

Monday, Sept. 16, Bangpra – Stableford

1st Robby Watts (7) 30pts

2nd Jimmy Carr (15) 30pts

3rd Michael Brett (14) 28pts

Black clouds loomed on the horizon for most of the round today and the rain managed to stay away until the seventeenth when it came down, not as heavy as monsoon rain but still enough to get us wet. Good rain is welcome as all the water catchment areas on the course are virtually empty.

Despite conditions not being any more difficult than normal, scoring was abysmally low. Robby Watts and Jimmy Carr were tied on thirty points with Robby taking it on countback. There was some consolation for third-placed Michael Brett who got a near pin on the Gordon Melia hole and also won all three ‘sixes’. Tony Robbins was the only other near pin winner.

Wednesday, Sept. 18, Eastern Star – Stableford

1st Jimmy Carr (15) 31pts

2nd Robby Watts (7) 27pts

3rd Niall Glover (20) 25pts

A bunch of Bunker Boys set out for Eastern Star more in hope than expectation of a dry round. All was ok till the third hole when it chucked it down and everyone took shelter in the drinks station at the fourth tee for over an hour. When play resumed on the fourth the course was sodden and it was not long before the rain came down again, this time for about twenty minutes. By this stage most were completely demoralised as conditions were about as difficult as one could imagine.

As a consequence scoring was from very low to negligible, only the ever-reliable Jimmy Carr managed to break thirty doing one better to take first place. An unbelievable low score of twenty-seven saw Robby Watts take second and Niall Glover was welcomed back in third place with twenty-five. Near pins went to Jimmy & Robby.

Friday, Sept. 20, Greenwood C & B – Stableford

1st Niall Glover (20) 36pts

2nd Robby Watts (7) 33pts

3rd Michael Brett (14) 32pts

Rain was in the air again and by the third tee it was lashing down at Greenwood. By the time we could shelter at the fourth tee on the C nine everything was soaked. After about a fifteen-minute delay, play resumed in very trying conditions and by the sixth tee, it was obvious to the lead group that we needed to implement the ‘pick, clean, and place’ rule for the remainder of the round. Light rain fell intermittently till the seventeenth and by that time it was pointless sheltering as we were about as wet as it’s possible to be so we soldiered on to the end.

Niall Glover accumulated a surprisingly good score under the circumstances to take first place with thirty-six points. Robby Watts took second with thirty three and Michael Brett third on thirty-two. With gloves and grips wet and underfoot slippery, it was an achievement to even play at all, less dedicated souls might have just retired to the bar and had some real fun.

Only two near pins were taken with one each to Robby Watts and Michael Brett.