The Jomtien Golf Society
Monday, Sept. 2, Crystal Bay – Stableford
We were playing the C and the newly renovated A courses today with only one division out. The C course was in poor condition with a few heavily sanded greens with some very thick texture making them very slow. The A course was a little better but we probably will not be back here for a couple of months.
Frank Grainger’s 34 points was the best score of the day, with him topping the podium. Alan Bissell came in second on 30 points and Paul Young beat Neil Gamble on a 16/11 back-nine countback for third after two scores of 29.
There were no winners in the near pin competition and Frank Grainger birdied A5 in division 2 for the only ‘2’ of the day.
Wednesday, Sept. 4, Greenwood – Stableford
We started on the B nine today at Greenwood with the C course to follow. We had two divisions out with the equal cut set at 9-16 and 17+. There was a very slight touch of rain on the first four holes and pick clean and place was implemented from there onwards, with quite a few plugged balls on soggy fairways.
With his best score over the past two months, Greg Pearson, playing off 14, won division 1 with 36 points. Garetn Piccinin came in second one point behind and despite having 20 points on the front nine Neil Gamble lost out to Steve Godfrey on a 15/11 back nine countback for third after they both shot 31 points overall.
There were only two near pin winners, Gareth Piccinin in division 1 and Frank Grainger in division 2, both on B5. Surprisingly no 2’s in either division.
Friday, Sept. 6, Eastern Star – Stableford
A very unusual cut out today in the two divisions with 14-16 in division 1 and 18 + in division 2 and 34 points was the highest score of the day, coming from Glyn Evans to win division 2. Frank Kelly was second on 32 points and Tony Thorne came in third with 30.
Nik Evans recorded 31 points for the best score in division 1 while Colin Aspinall came in second one point behind and Steve Godfrey finished third with 29.
Near pins went to (Div 1) Colin Aspinal (x2), Nik Evans and Per Forsberg, and (Div 2) Frank Kelly. There were no ‘2’s in either division.