The Jomtien Golf Society
Monday, July 23, The Emerald – Stableford
Not everyone’s preference here lately with the fairways in poor condition and the greens very slow but we managed to scrape by with two divisions today.
Frank Grainger recorded the best score of the day, winning division 2 with 33 points while John Seton was second on 32 and Ray Kingwell third with 31.
Steve Godfrey’s 32 won division 1 ahead of Ray Daws in second place two points back and Dave Horne beat Nick Evans on an 18/12 back-nine countback for third after they both came in with 29 points each.
Near pins went to (Div 1) Nik Evans and Dave Horne, and (Div 2) Frank Grainger and John Seton (2).
Wednesday, July 25, Pattavia – Stableford
Nobody here on the course today and we were able to tee off 30 minutes early. The course was in good condition but the greens were slightly slower from our last visit here.
Two 36-pointers topped both divisions, John Carlin taking the win in division 1 ahead of Willy van Heetvelde in second place on 34 and Bob Poole third with 33.
Frank Grainger was the winner in division 2 while Rodney Howett came second on 34 and Ray Daws took third with 33.
Near pins were claimed by (Div 1) Mick Alleyne and Bob Poole (2), and (Div 2) Steve Harris (2) and Lars Strom.
Friday, July 27, Eastern Star – Stableford
A public holiday today and it was a bit of a slow round.
Paul Bray, still in form, scored 16 points on the front nine and 23 on the back to win division 1 with 39 points overall. Frank Kelly was second on 35 points, Steve Godfrey came third with 33 and in fourth place was Paul Butler with 32.
Two 34’s were fighting for first place in division 2 and with a 17/14 count-back Tony Thorne beat Glyn Evans. Peter Henshaw was third on 32 and in fourth place was John Seton with 27 points.
Near pins went to Colin Aspinall and Peter Henshaw on the 13th and Paul Bray and Khalifa Nasser on the 17th.
No ‘2’s once again either division so rollovers here next Friday.