Greenaway wins Butterworth B’Day Bash


PSC golf from The Outback Golf Bar

Monday, Oct. 8, Burapha – Stableford

Thirty-two players turned out for Andy Butterworth’s Birthday Bash at Burapha on a rainy, overcast day.  Fortunately however, the rain stopped by the time we teed off but the day was still overcast and threatening and some groups got wet over the last few holes. 

The course was playable but we still had ‘lift, clean and place’ as there were lots of wet and muddy areas common at this time off the year.  The greens were very good and because of the wet fairways we played off the white markers on A & B which made for some good scoring.

The winner of Andy’s Birthday Bash was Paul Greenaway with an excellent 40 points off his 7 handicap.  Div A went to his good friend, another Paul, this time Bourke with 38, followed home by Mark McDonald now playing off 2, who shot a very fine gross 73 for his 37pts.  Dave Edwards took Div B with 39pts ahead of the birthday boy on 37 and Sugar Ray edged out John O’Keefe on count back, both scoring 39.

Monday’s top golfers (from left) John O’Keefe, Paul Greenaway, Andy & his good lady, Paul Bourke, & Dave Edwards. Monday’s top golfers (from left) John O’Keefe, Paul Greenaway, Andy & his good lady, Paul Bourke, & Dave Edwards.

Back at the Outback, Andy treated everybody to an excellent spread of food and there were also four near pin prizes, sponsored by Andy, that were won by Steve Mann (A3), Dave Edwards (A6), Bernie Stafford (B3) and Mark McDonald (B8); and apparently at one stage Andy had his name three out of the four near pin markers.

Finally, welcome back to Al Bryce and Chris Sloan getting acclimatised ready for the Chiang Rai/Mai tour which starts on Thurs this week and welcome also to Mili, who was having his first game with the Outback.


1st Paul Greenaway (7) 40pts

Div A (0-10)

1st Paul Bourke (10) 38pts

2nd Mark McDonald (2) 37pts

3rd Al Bryce (9) 35pts

Div B (11-15)

1st Dave Edwards (11) 39pts

2nd Andy Butterworth (13) 37pts

3rd Marc Small (12) 37pts

Div C (18+)

1st Sugar Ray Handford (18) 39pts

2nd John O’ Keefe (16) 39pts

3rd Greg Hill (17) 38pts

Tuesday, Oct. 9, Pattaya C.C. – Stableford

Eleven Outbackers at Pattaya Country Club, where Dennis Persson (34) pipped the day’s organiser Chad (33) by one, to take the day’s top spot, followed home by Geoff Moodie, who beat K E Persson on count back, both with 32.

We apologise for the curtailed write-up due to the current Chiang Mai/Rai tour commitments.

There were no ‘2’s.

1st Dennis Persson (17) 34pts

2nd Barry Chadbourn (19) 33pts

3rd Geoff Moodie (25) 32pts

4th Kurt Eric Persson (30) 32pts

Tuesday, Oct. 9, Laem Chabang – Stableford

There were 17 playing today at Laem Chabang, playing off the blue tees which played at 6500 yards or thereabouts; probably not a wise decision as the course was wet from the rain we have had in the past week – we also had to endure a couple of squalls during play.  However, the thinking behind the ‘blues’ decision was to produce a level playing field compared to the ladies tee.  Sorry for any inconvenience caused!

The Sugar Man decided that after he had put his ball in the water on hole A 7 that he would take a drop with a cart right in his line of sight twenty yards in front of him.  Yes, you guessed it but, not only did he hit the cart it went straight through the back of it and then kindly bounced out to give him a perfect lie on the fairway and no, it wasn’t his cart.  After all that luck he didn’t manage to score.

Kev Watson, after three threatened starts last week, eventually made it to the golf course and bagged the day’s top score of 35pts to win Div A from Capt’ Steve with 34.  Suzi, who ran the day, showed that she can play this course, managing to get 33pts which was enough to beat the men struggling from the blues, led by Wayne Waywood.

There were no ‘2’s and welcome to some more players who were heading up to the north of Thailand later in the week for the Outback’s 8th Chiang Mai Challenge; namely Bob Maloney, Wayne Waywood, Ian Jones & Ron DeGroot.

Div A (0-13)

1st Kevin Watson (8) 35pts

2nd Steve Mann (9) 34pts

3rd Kevin Waycott (8) 32pts

Div B (14+)

1st Suzi Lawton (20) 33pts

2nd Wayne Waywood (16) 32pts

3rd Eric Curley (15) 30pts

Wednesday, Oct. 10, Siam Plantation – Stableford

With the General & the Captain away to Chiang Rai this morning, the organisation of Siam Plantation was left in the capable hands of Chad.  A few earlier transport hiccups, with the bus trying to be in too many places at once, depleted the field by one or two and another no show, due to a previous good night out, left a field of 8 to play a wet Plantation, with more rain during the round.

There were no ‘2’s

1st Mili Popovic (16) 33pts

2nd Chris Sloan (8) 31pts

3rd Tom Fitzpatrick (12) 30pts

Wednesday, Oct. 10, Pattana – Stableford

Thirteen Outbackers out of the seventeen who had booked to play Pattana today turned up, the other four guys must have got lost en-route.

We teed off on A & B from the yellows some fifteen minutes early and yet again we had the course to ourselves, enabling a well paced round and most of us making it in before a big down pour at the end.  Due to the excess of rain in recent weeks, we played pick ‘n’ place “thru the green”.  We shall look forward to drier times end of the wet season and we will certainly be going back to enjoy the course and the refurbished restaurant.

We had three ‘2’s today from Suzi Lawton – A3, John O’Keefe – A8 and Paul Bourke – B3.

1st Mark McDonald (2) 36pts

2nd Paul Bourke (10) 35pts

3rd Paul Greenaway (7) 34pts

4th Bernie Stafford (14) 33pts

Friday, Oct. 12, Green Valley – Stableford

Seventeen Outbackers turned out for Green Valley for our regular Friday venue; the numbers down mostly due to the PSC Monthly Competition and the guys who were playing up in Chang Rai/Mai.

I would like to say a big thank you to Paul Greenaway for helping me to set the players off as we teed off slightly earlier than the usual 9:30am and one of the players only turned up just in time to play.

We played through the green, pick, clean and place as they had a fantastic storm the day before so we weren’t sure what the condition of the course would be in.  In all fairness to Green Valley it has one of the best drainage systems in place in Pattaya, so it was only in parts where the ground was very wet.

There were two 2’s today and they were both from Paul Greenaway on Hole 12 & 16

1st Suzi Lawton (20) 38pts

2nd John O’keefe (16) 37pts

3rd Paul Greenaway (7) 36pts

4th Martin Kingswood (13) 35pts

5th Michael Padilla (22) 35pts

Note:  The Outback Golf Bar is situated about 6km from Sukhumvit Road along Soi Siam Country.  All are welcome to come and join us for a beer and a hit.  Just call in and put your name down on the list or give Jack a call on 087 941 2474.