Greig Ritchie takes Emerald Pattaya to pieces


PSC Golf from Billabong
Wednesday, Dec 8
Emerald Golf Club

Emerald for a change and what a pleasant change it was. Under clear skies and a nice temperature on a course that was in great condition with fast greens and for a good price, everyone had a good day out.

With seven groups playing, we got to the tee and the starter said go, so with the ladies playing first off everyone was happy. The consistent ladies as usual gave the course a bit of a going over but not to their normal standards.

Miss Yen scored 34 points to take 3rd spot. Miss Lynn took 2nd with 36 points. Miss Porn took the top spot with 38 points.

Now to the men’s comp – Sel Wegner took the 3rd spot after beating his good mate Cottee by one point with 34.

Captain Cripple took 2nd spot with a fine handicap equaling 36 points

Greig Ritchie, playing off his 33 handicap, took the place to pieces with 41 points to take the top spot. It was his best round of golf this year and I might add, there were three blobs and a couple of one pointers in the round. Anyway mate, it was a great round to witness.

There was only one two coming from Peter Thomas.