Hake leads the way at Parichat


Jomtien Golf with the IPGC

Monday, April 3, Parichat – Stableford

Some players like Parichat and others are still undecided as the course condition changes every time we play here, but with a good inclusive price of green fee, caddie and buggy we ended up with two divisions out today with the cut at 11-17 and 18+.

There have been a few moans in the past regarding the carry over water on some of the holes but in the end we were all playing off the white tees.

The Khao Yai boy, Tim Hake, recorded the best score of the day to win division 1 with 36 points.  Neil Gamble was second one point behind Tim and Paul Young took third with 33.

Rick Assi claimed division 2 honours with 35 points, in second place six points behind was Magne Gunnarson and in third place went to Terry Fidone with 25 points.

Near pins were claimed by (Div 1) Tim Hake, Jerry Sweetnam and Paul Young, and (Div 2) Leo Adam, Terry Fidone, Neil Gamble and Magne Gunnarson.

Magne Gunnarson recorded the only ‘2’s of the day with birdies of the second and sixth holes to scoop the pot.

Bill Bertram.
Bill Bertram.


Friday, April 7, Eastern Star – Rainbow Stableford

After Wednesday’s comp at Green Valley was cancelled due to rain, today here at Eastern Star the forecast was more promising and we had a fun day out with a rainbow stableford, everyone having to play off six red, six white and six blue tees.

There were 8 groups out with the cut set at 5-16 and 17+ and with 36 points Colin Aspinall came in with the best score of the day to win division 2.  Frank Kelly placed second after beating the organiser on an 18/14 back-nine count back, both coming in with 34 points each.

Bill Bertram beat Jerry Sweetnam 19/15 on the back-nine to take first place in the top division after they both shot 35 points while Wilf Latham was third on 33.

Near pins went to (Div 1) Tim Hake, Ian Speirs and Jerry Sweetnam (2), (Div 2) Bill Kana (2) and Frank Kelly.

Tim Hake birdied the 13th, Ian Speirs the 17th and Jerry Sweetnam the 3rd to share the division one ’2’s pot while in division 2 Colin Aspinall was the only winner with a ‘2’ on the 3rd.

Tim Hake.
Tim Hake.