Hart heads the field at Green Valley


PSC golf from The Outback Golf Bar

Monday, Sept. 16, Burapha – Stableford

A pleasant enough day for the 35 players at Burapha playing the C & D nines with the added bonus of a surprise two-tee start, on top of the fifteen minute earlier than scheduled start time, enabling General Jack to get everybody away before 9.45.

The scoring was fair to middling in Div A, with an unusually high upper limit of 15, which elevated John Stafford, quite uniquely to the first division.  He made the most of the honour to score 36pts to take first place by two from three guys all tied up on 34; namely Bob Finley, Steve Poz and Chris Playforth, the usual count back sorting them all out.

Chris Smart.Chris Smart.

Div C didn’t score any better but another win for the fast improving Chris Smart, also with 36pts, underlined that his handicap of 27 is not likely to last long.  Bruce McAdam was back in the frame again with 33 ahead of Aussie visitor Chris Van Hausen in third and nice to see Ivan also on the podium with his 29pts, edging out two other players.

The top score of the day was in Div B and it came from Greg Hill with a mighty fine 39pts, two in front of the afore-mentioned Chris’s mate, John Mills.  Waldo was back in third on 34 just heading off John Fitzgerald on the same score.

There were three ‘2’s from Bob Finley & Chris Playforth (C8) & Greg Hill (D2).

Div A (0-15)

1st John Stafford (15) 36pts

2nd Bob Finley (14) 34pts

3rd Steve Poznanski (12) 34pts

4th Chris Playforth (10) 34pts

Div B (16-22)

1st Greg Hill (21) 39pts

2nd John Mills (19) 37pts

3rd Stephen Blazsanyik (16) 34pts

4th John Fitzgerald (19) 34pts

Div C (23+)

1st Chris Smart (27) 36pts

2nd Bruce McAdam (27) 33pts

3rd Chris Van Hausen (23) 31pts

4th Ivan Plunkett (24) 29pts

Tuesday, Sept. 17, Phoenix – Stableford

We had 7 Outbackers today playing the Mountain and the Lakes but due to the heavy rain the night before, the golf carts were only allowed on the paths making it very difficult for the caddies to bring the correct clubs.  We played preferred lies through the green, necessary due to the wetness of the course but the greens were still quite fast.

John Lawton.John Lawton.

Unfortunately, Phoenix management have now brought out a coupon service at the kiosks where you buy 100 baht’s worth of coupons for a 20 baht bottle of water, as change you receive 80 baht in coupons.  You also have to spend all the coupons as you don’t get your money back but apparently you can use them on another day.

We have also heard through the grapevine that in the very near future it will be one person to a cart for the same price (700 baht) – Hmmmm!

The scoring was not that brilliant with the Suzi’s “Old Man” getting the win with just 33pts from Aussie visitor Chris Playforth (32) who beat the aforementioned Suzi on count back.

There were no ‘2’s.

1st John Lawton (19) 33pts

2nd Chris Playforth (10) 32pts

Wednesday, Sept. 18, Siam Plantation – Stableford

A spectacular 75 gross gave Geoff Stimpson 41pts to win here on the A & B nines on somewhat damp course, producing little or no roll on the fairways.  The rest of the scoring wasn’t too shabby either with Chris’s name coming up again with 40pts to take second, going one place better than his third at Burapha on Monday and to end his golfing holiday on a high.

Murray Hart.Murray Hart.

It was no great surprise that Rosco took third, as he loves this course too much, beating playing partner and mate, Paul Rodgers, both with the same 39.

There were two ‘2’s from Geoff Stimpson (A3) and Paul Rodgers (A6)

1st Geoff Stimpson (8) 41pts

2nd Chris Van Hausen (23) 40pts

3rd Rosco Langoulant (13) 39pts

Friday, Sept. 20, Green Valley – Stableford

There couldn’t have been many places where golf was played today, after continuous rain for the last couple of days.  PSC’s Pattana Monthly was washed away, so Sugar dashed across to Green Valley to see if he could salvage a game there.  To his surprise and our surprise he could, particularly as the course was still closed at 7.30 in the morning but it brightened up a little and the rained eased to a drizzle and play was possible, albeit with preferred lies through the green.  With not too many withdrawals and a couple of late additions, including Sugar, 23 players took to the track.

Muzza, blazed a trail with his 39pts to win the premier division by two from Paul Bourke and Chris Playforth both on 37 and Sel Wegner, having his first game after five weeks back home, was unlucky to just miss out on count back.

Paul Bourke.Paul Bourke.

Rick Forrest got it all right at last to win Div B with the best of two 37’s, the other one scored by John Mills.  B2 (Bruce McAdam) completed his week with a third place, to follow his second place at Burapha on Monday.  B2 headed three players all with 35.

There were six ‘2’s from Murray Hart (4th), Kerry Beck (10th), Sugar Ray Handford & Bruce McAdam (12th) and Paul Greenaway & David Davies (16th).

Finally, our thanks to John Lawton who ran the tournament today so smoothly even if he did finish last.

Div A (0-14)

1st Murray Hart (13) 39pts

2nd Paul Bourke (9) 37pts

3rd Chris Playforth (10) 37pts

Div B (15+)

1st Rick Forrest (23) 37pts

2nd John Mills (19) 37pts

3rd Bruce McAdam (27) 35pts

Note:  The Outback Golf Bar is situated about 6km from Sukhumvit Road along Soi Siam Country.  Call Jack on 081 578 1956.