Heneghan sparkles at Silky Oak

Steve hands out prizes to the winning 4-ball team of Bob St. Aubin, Dennis Persson, Simon Wilcock and Mike Elhert.
Steve hands out prizes to the winning 4-ball team of Bob St. Aubin, Dennis Persson, Simon Wilcock and Mike Elhert.

The Outback Bar Golf Society

Wednesday, May 31, Eastern Star – 4-ball

Twenty-eight players entered in a 7 x 4-ball comp to celebrate the Badger’s birthday at a course which has largely gone off the radar as far as the Outback is concerned.

The chosen format was a ‘waltz’, team captains were assigned, given a briefing sheet so they could explain to their teams the rules, which most of them grasped straight away, unfortunately the odd one or two simpletons had to have a further briefing.  The captains did a splendid job and the score cards were clear and precise, which made them easy to evaluate.

The captains collected 1000 baht per team which was placed behind the bar for the evening’s celebrations.  John Hoddy’s team entered into the spirit of the day by dressing as predators and not surprisingly came last.

A slight detour was arranged on the way home taking in the local scenery and beauty spots, which was truly appreciated by the first time visitors to this part of Thailand.  Surprisingly, everyone with wheels also ended up getting the odd puncture (or 2) and it wasn’t until dark before all staggered back.

Because of the unusual format of this competition no one really knew what a winning score would be, however the winning score of 87 points seemed very commendable.  This was achieved by Captain Bob St. Aubin and his team of Dennis Persson, Simon Wilcock and Mike Elhert.

In second place with 84 points was Micky Beresford team, consisting of Micky, Eddie Bielby, Tony Oakes and the Sugarman while third place saw a tie on 82 points, with the prizes going to the team who showed up at the presentation, a.k.a. Charlie Heneghan, Neil Lavery, Neil Fidele and Jason Richards.

Friday 2, June 2, Silky Oak – Stableford

Again due to yet another comp at Green Valley the Outbackers were pushed sideways onto Silky Oak.  The reports received were very complimentary towards the course and its condition, a total of 20 players set to making it a nice even 4-ball day.

There were six ‘2’s, which resulted in adjusting the day to one flight paying 5 places.  The skillful recipients of the ‘2’s were Bruce Mcadam, Barry Fisher, David Davies, Michael Elhert (2) and Charlie Heneghan.

As to the comp itself there were 4 players locked 37points broken down on count back in the following order; 5th place Wayne Cotterell, 4th Neil Fidele, 3rd Ian Perry, and 2nd Kim Danboise.  King of the jungle and way out in front was Charlie Heneghan with a magnificent 41 points.