High scores and another close finish in Pattaya

George Mueller recorded 38 points and pipped Paul Smith for the win with a slightly better back nine.

PSC Links Golf Society
Monday, Feb. 15
Pattana A+B

As Pattana had extended the special price of 1100 baht all-in, we needed to add an extra day to our February schedule, and so we were out and playing golf on a Monday. Could this be a dress rehearsal for next month when we return to three days a week?

With a heavier than usual program this week, we had thirteen players, slightly down from some days, but many have already signed up for the next two games.

Pattana Golf course was not busy, in fact the only players we saw for the time we were there were seven from another Pattaya society and our thirteen, just one of the days that golf courses are having right now, unfortunately.

The course is in very good condition with the fairways looking a treat, but a little soft after receiving plenty of watering. The greens are very good now and playing truly with good pace, although some thought them a little slow.

Once again, we had some very good scores coming in and, again, a countback needed to separate the first two placings.

George Mueller and Paul Smith both recorded 38 points and George just pipped Paul for the win with a slightly better back nine.

Tommy Marshall found some form, bouncing back from a disappointing game earlier in the week, and his 37 points was a good result.

At our last outing here, Mike Ehlert finished in fourth place and he did again this day with a handicap equaling 36 points.

Winners at Pattana
1st Place – George Mueller (15) – 38 pts c/back
2nd Place – Paul Smith (4) – 38pts
3rd Place – Tommy Marshall (4) – 37 pts
4th Place – Mike Ehlert (10) – 36 pts

The weather was fine with some pollution still around. Later in the round conditions became quite comfortable as the sky became overcast, taking away some of the heat.

Then, on the trip back to Pattaya, of all things we had rain, very heavy rain. However, that lasted for about two kilometers, and for the rest of the trip the roads showed no sign that rain had been there.