High season woes


The Backyard Golf Society

Well, it is that time of the year again, when vast hordes of north-east Asian golfers descend on Thailand. Arriving for a reserved tee-time only to see a long queue of buggies with all the latest fashions but stuff-all etiquette has become the annual scourge for regular golfers. One can see why the courses want the business but they seem to care nothing for those who play year-round. Anyway, like it or lump it and this scribe has decided to lump it for a while, with last Friday’s round at Emerald taking over 4-1/2 hours and 4 or even 5 groups on some holes was a not uncommon sight.

So, the winner of the Backyard outing this time was Uncle Fester, beating Fudge Factor by 1 point. The near-pin was won by The Quiet Man.

The Biss won the most skins with 7, his 3 points on the last hole securing a good pay-out. The Altrincham Alchemist (aka Spear Chucker) won 5 and there were doubles to Uncle Fester, Jimmy 2 Stones and Stitches Morgan.

Roll on the low season, so the golf becomes enjoyable again and is a not a chore.