Hoare doubles up at Soi Dao


IPGC golf from Tara Court

Sat & Sun, April 6 & 7, Soi Dao – Stableford

Last weekend a few of us went to Soi Dao where we had the course to ourselves.  On Saturday there was no one on the course and on Sunday just ourselves and a few Thais, not a Farang in sight.  

I am not surprised by the lack of players as what used to be very good value has now become expensive.  They are no longer doing a package for the golf and the hotel, we had to pay for everything separately, and when you consider the journey and the quality of the hotel it is not worth it. Granted the course was in beautiful condition but it still is not worth the cost of the weekend.

Alec Hoare.Alec Hoare.

Alec Hoare played very well both days with 40pts on Saturday and 35 on Sunday to win both days and the overall.  Joe McArdle was second with 35 on Saturday and 32 on Sunday.

Tuesday, April 9, Crystal Bay (white tees) – Stableford

Today we were at Crystal Bay for a very enjoyable game of golf.  The temperature had dropped considerably from the previous week, much more comfortable for playing golf.

The course was in excellent condition and very quiet so we got around quickly.  Ted Morris, who is playing very well at the moment, was the winner with an excellent 39pts which included a four putt on the last par 3 and a no score.  Joe McArdle was in second place with 34pts.  There were no 2’s.

Thursday, April 11, Mountain Shadow (Blue Tees) – Stableford

We were back at Mountain Shadow today after a brief absence.  Again much cooler than last week and we also got a heavy shower of rain and had to take a break for an hour until it passed over.  The course dried out very quickly after the rain stopped and it was a very pleasant day for golf.

We had a new winner today; Phelim Moran was the man with 35pts which for this difficult course is a good score.  Ted Morris had to settle for second place with 34 pts.

Note:  The Tara Court Golf Group plays every Sunday, Tuesday and Thursday, leaving O’Gara’s Bar and restaurant in the Tara Court on Pratamnak Rd around 10.00 a.m.  Sign up either in O’Gara’s or ring George on 087 540 0844 and he will book you in.