Hole in one for Ronnie, a memorable day for Dennis


June 2016 PAGS Tournament at Phoenix Gold

Tuesday, June 28 started off with some threatening skies as a prelude to the PAGS monthly tournament held on the Mountain & Lakes combination at Phoenix Gold G.C.  For the day’s field of 105 keen players, which included an increasing number of 11 ladies, the weather conditions remained fine with a light breeze while the rain held off all day.

Ronnie Ratte  - Hole in One L7.
Ronnie Ratte – Hole in One L7.

With the overnight rain the decision was made to have preferred lies through the green, to help avoid an undeserved mud ball.  The Lakes 9 general condition continues to improve slowly following the recent re-design and despite some criticisms, further time should see the course better regarded.

Most months, there is generally a standout performer or two on the day.  This month, despite some good performances, we saw more of an even spread across the field.  The ladies’ winner Chop (H/cap 13) posted the day’s outstanding best stableford score of 44 points together with a long drive prize and was amongst the top performers.  Yuza Reginussen (19) with a solid 42 points & a NTP picked up second place in the ladies division.

A Flight winner Dennis Steele.
A Flight winner Dennis Steele.

As the headline suggests, it was Dennis Steele (13) leading the way in A flight, 0–14, with his strong 40 points, but only after edging Tom Thompson (14) on a count back 21/20.  Tom was going for his third podium top spot on the spin, with his past 2 wins being in the B flight.  Frank Rinninsen (14) got 3rd place with a solid 38 points, a score which would have seen him place higher in previous months.  Both Dennis & Tom also picked up a technical each, splitting the par 3 NTPs on the Lakes 9.

It was good to see Lion Pub mine host, Simon Dutton (16) up and about after some recent health issues, getting top spot in B flight, 15–19  handicappers, with a solid 38 points.  No count backs required in the flight this month, with Jarmo Hyttinen (15) in the silver medal position after his 37 points.  Third spot was won by Lee Adams (17) with a comparably low score of 34 points, but as they say, winners are grinners.

B Flight winner Simon Dutton.
B Flight winner Simon Dutton.

C flight, for handicap 20+, saw the top spot go to Lief Halin (23) with a day’s best for the men, of 42 points.  Frans Olgers (21) signed for 39 points to get the silver position while Niel Fidele (20) got the bronze with 38 points, to go with his technical prize of the approach on the 1st hole.

The hotly contested Low Gross for the day went to Mike Allidi with his 77.  Honourable mentions must go out to Ronnie Ratte for his hole in one on Lakes 7 sponsored by Door to Door Food Delivery, with special recognition for multiple technical wins on the day going out to Ken Price for his 2 long drives in 55-64 group, Momoka Hidaka for his 2 approaches and Ulf Bergstrom with 1 of each.

Dave and his team from the Sportsman & the Lion Pub crew did a fantastic job of keeping all the golfers and their guests satisfied in the food & drinks area.   We will all look forward to another successful tournament with this month’s event, changed to Greenwood on 26 July, as Phoenix Gold hosts the King’s Cup.  Contact Shane on 0859459689 to ensure your preferred tee time.