Hot-shot Heddle stars at Green Valley


PSC golf from The Outback Golf Bar

Monday, Jan. 14, Burapha – Stableford

Thirty-five players showed up to play Burapha C and D from the white tees, but the first six holes had the white markers right back on the blue tees and the new silver tees were on the whites, so if this continues then the C course at Burapha will need to be re-rated.

The course was very heavily booked all day with over 300 booked to play; thankfully they have four courses.  The pace of play, as expected, was pretty slow for Burapha but the starter actually got us off early.  The pace was around five hours however and some Outbackers struggled on the D course; otherwise the course was well presented – the fairways were good and the greens were great but some of the tees are definitely showing signs of a lot of wear and tear.

Ian Heddle.Ian Heddle.

Three Divisions plus the ‘2’s and the course was the winner on the day.  Tim Knight won Division 3 with 35 points off his 21 handicap from John Player (32 points), with third place going to Jimmy Little on 31.

‘Mr. Consistent’, John O’ Keefe won Division 2 with best round of the day, 37 points off his 16 handicap, from Rosco Langoulant with 34 and Sel Wegner ran third with 33 points.

Paul Bourke won Division 1 with 36 points on a count back from Geoff Stimpson, with Stephen Mann taking third with 33.

Five ‘2’s were recorded by Sel Wegner, David Coller and Tim Knight on C8, Geoff Stimpson on D2 and Dennis Pelly had a ‘2’ on the Par 4 D7, well done Dennis!

Div A (0-11)

1st Paul Bourke (10) 36pts

2nd Geoff Stimpson (6) 36pts

3rd Stephen Mann (10) 33pts

Div B (12-17)

1st John O’Keefe (16) 37pts

2nd Rosco Langoulant (13) 34pts

3rd Sel Wegner (12) 33pts

Div C (18+)

1st Tim Knight (21) 35pts

2nd John Player (20) 32pts

3rd Jimmy Little (19) 31pts

Tuesday, Jan. 15, Khao Kheow – Stableford

The nine golfers had a delightful day playing C & B off the yellow tees with a slight breeze blowing to keep us all cool.  We continued with preferred lies on the fairways as the course can be wet in some places and very dry in others but today didn’t seem such a problem as previously.  The greens on C were a little faster than on B but generally, reasonably good throughout.

Noddy Moyle and Bob St. Aubin, both winners at Treasure Hill.Noddy Moyle and Bob St. Aubin, both winners at Treasure Hill.

We did have laugh about John Player hitting from around 170 yards on one of the holes; he whacked the ball, a good strike, but it hit the 150 marker, flew back miles and he found it about 80 yards further back from where he had originally hit from.  Good lad John for putting up with the bantering.

Sel Wegner continued to improve with a very good 38pts to take the win from the consistent Peter Eriksen on 36 and the infamous John Player took third with 33, which moved him to the top of the “Race to Bangkok” leaderboard with 2,000 points.

There were no ‘2’s.

1st Sel Wegner (13) 38pts

2nd Peter Erikson (5) 36pts

3rd John Player (20) 33pts

Wednesday, Jan. 16, Siam Plantation – Stableford

Twenty players at Siam Plantation today to play the Sugar Cane (A) and Tapioca (B) on another great day for golf with a lovely breeze to cool the golfers down.  Needless to say the course was again in wonderful condition and heavily booked so pace of play was a little slow, especially on the Tapioca nine.

Good scores were recorded with the top three players all registering 38 points and winning on a count back was Steve Kerr off a 10 handicap, from Steve Poznanski and Barry Copestake.  Just one back in fourth was Stephen Mann with 37 points, fifth was club member, Jim Bryan with 34 points and sixth was Rosco Langoulant on 33.

Highlight of the day was a hole in one on Tapioca 7 by Steve Kerr, a great golf shot that landed 10 foot past the pin and spun back into the hole, well done Steve!

1st Steve Kerr (10) 38pts

2nd Steve Poznanski (12) 38pts

3rd Barry Copestake (15) 38pts

4th Stephen Mann (11) 37pts

5th Jim Bryan (16) 34pts

6th Rosco Langoulant (13) 33pts

Wednesday, Jan. 16, Treasure Hill – Stableford

We had a good crowd today with the numbers being 20 at Treasure Hill and another 20 at Siam Plantation.  After some initial confusion as to our actual tee time, (10.30), the starter hurried us off at 10:00.  One person didn’t show up so it was back to the drawing board again to do a redraw, which was where we started earlier today with plan A; B went by the wayside so plan C came into action.

We were last here on 7th November 2012 and they were laying new grass down on 6 holes.  I am pleased to say that the grass has taken and the course was in very good condition.  There were a couple of greens which had been lightly sanded but this wasn’t an issue; and generally a very good day out and worth the delay at the traffic lights at Amata City.

Bob (The Whuure) St. Aubin was having his last game for a while before heading home to Canada for a while and made the most of the conditions with a moderate equal top score of the day of 34pts to win Div A; he was matched playing partner, Noddy, who won Div B.

There were four ‘2’s from David Chalmers (hole 2), Barry McIntosh & Suzi Lawton (hole 6) and Robbie Bartlett (hole 17).

Div A (0-17)

1st Bob St. Aubin (13) 34pts

2nd John O’Keefe (16) 33pts

3rd Robbie Bartlett (17) 32pts

Div B (18+)

1st Noddy Moyle (18) 34pts

2nd Sugar Ray Handford (18) 33pts

3rd Brian Maddox (21) 31pts

Friday, Jan. 18, Green Valley – Stableford

Fifty one players for Green Valley, should have been 52 but for one no show and that is disappointing as we had reserves and Green Valley would only allow us 13 groups as the course is extremely heavily booked.

Congratulations to the starters and management of Green Valley in the way they sorted out the players and the allocation of caddies as there are just not enough caddies to go round.  They got us all off on time and the round was completed by the last group in just over four and a half hours.

The course was great, some of the fairways have some dry patches and some of the tees are showing wear and tear, but the greens were good, flat and true even if they don’t look good because of the pitch marks that have not been repaired properly.

Welcome to Sean’s Irish group, some of whom we’ve seen before plus a couple of newbies and also to Peter Hudson & Alan Watson and finally Hardy and his wife, who come every year but just play to enjoy their golf at the back but do not take part in the comp.

Four Divisions plus the ‘2’s and what do you say about the winner of Division 1 and best score for the day; Ian Heddle what a week, actually what a month!  He won the December monthly medal round with a gross 69, net 64 and this week had 42 points at Green Valley on Monday, 40 points at Lam Lukka on Wednesday and 41 points today at Green Valley, all off his 4 handicap, fantastic golf and well done.

Others scores worth mentioning were 2nd placed, Dennis Pelly 37 points off his 11 handicap; Div C winner, Bob Finley 37 points off his 18 handicap; Div C runner-up, Joe Mooneyham (16) with 37 points; Div B winner, Teddy Lodge 35 points off his 13 handicap and Div D winner, Suzi Lawton 35 points off her 20 handicap.

Only two ‘2’s to Martin Kingswood on hole 9 and John Cunningham on hole 12.

Div A (0-11)

1st Ian Heddle (4) 41pts

2nd Dennis Pelly (11) 37pts

3rd Peter LeNoury (10) 34pts

Div B (12-15)

1st Teddy Lodge (13) 35pts

2nd Murray Hart (15) 34pts

3rd Martin Kingswood (14) 33pts

Div C (16-19)

1st Bob Finley (18) 37pts

2nd Joe Mooneyham (16) 37pts

3rd Jimmy Little (19) 33pts

Div D (20+)

1st Suzi Lawton (20) 35pts

2nd Tim Knight (21) 33pts

3rd John Player (20) 32pts

Note:  The Outback Golf Bar is situated about 6km from Sukhumvit Road along Soi Siam Country.  Call Jack on 081 578 1956.