Irish back in form


The Backyard Golf Society

The weather around Pattaya and its environs at the moment is making golf a good challenge, one never knows if you will be greeted by sodden fairways and belting rain or dry, sunny and sweltering hours.  This has obviously played havoc with some of our members, as getting legless on the Thursday before the game has become rather popular of late and several (one man leads the way….Foos yer Doos) lads have failed to make the first tee.  Such is life in the Land of Smiles.

The winner of the stableford at Emerald today, Friday, Sept. 30 was ‘Irish John’ with 35 points, a welcome return to form after a few weeks off the boil.

The near-pin prize went to the returning Beaker Larsen.  Not only was it his first game after his return from the Gulf of Mexico but he also managed to control that Viking temper of his with his new caddy.

The skins turned out to be notable for the lack of winners.  On the front nine, Irish won 4, Beaker won 3 and there were singles for The Quiet Man (who is now chaperoned by Sam each Friday night at the market bars, where he has been known to get a little bellicose on a regular basis) and Owen “The Fudge Factor” – he also won the single roll-over from last week.  The back nine….all draws so we have 9 roll-overs to next week.