Jack Moseley wins this month’s DeVere Monthly Medal


PSC Golf from Outback Golf Bar

Monday, Sept 8, Burapha C & D – Stableford

I don’t think I have ever seen Burapha C and D in better condition than it was presented to us today; although apart from the six groups of Outbackers, there were very few other to enjoy it.

The tough rough must have been a big factor in the low scoring as the best score that anyone in Div A could muster was a lowly 33pts, attained by Mr Consistent himself, Bob Finley. Second was another Bob, Bob St. Aubin (32) squeezing a quick game in here and there between work schedules. Third was Martin Kingswood on 31, beating Murray and Brad on countback.

Mike Missler (left), low gross winner, with Greg Hirst from DeVere and Jack.Mike Missler (left), low gross winner, with Greg Hirst from DeVere and Jack.

Surprisingly, Tim Knight found himself at the top of Div B with the day’s best score of 35pts, as Tim has been struggling of late getting all 18 holes to count but at last today he was a bit nearer the mark. Second was Martin O’Neill (31) and Sugar (30), third.

Welcome back again to Rob Wode from Australia and also to Martin O’Neill back from the UK for a few weeks or so.

There were five ‘2’s from Murray Hart & Geoff Stimpson on C5, Dennis Pelly (C8), Bob Finley (D2) and Jim Brackett (D8).

Div A (0 – 14)

1st Finley, Bob 33 pts (14)

2nd St. Aubin, Bob 32 pts (13)

3rd Kingswood, Martin 31 pts (13)

Div B (15+)

1st Knight, Tim 35 pts (24)

2nd O’Neill, Martin 31 pts (24)

3rd Handford, Sugar Ray 30 pts (18)

Tuesday, Sept. 9, Bangpra C & D – Stableford

Only two groups played at Bangpra, affectionately known as the Monkey course which is now showing the results of the recent rain by being in excellent condition, although the greens were slower than usual. This course is right up there with the best of them at the moment and is always a good challenge.

Brad Jordison continues to strike the ball well and the extra length of this course contributed hugely to Brad’s 35pts to win the day with another excellent ball striker, Geoff Stimpson, taking second with 31. Third was a new player to the Outback and welcome to him, Usman JanJua with a distant 25pts, beating both John Fitzgerald and Rob Wode on countback.

There were no ‘2’s.

1st Jordison, Brad 35 pts (06)

2nd Stimpson, Geoff 31 pts (08)

3rd JanJua, Usman 25 pts (14)

Wednesday, Sept 10, Laem Chabang A & B

Whilst there were five groups playing at Laem Chabang on A & B, the day belonged to Brad Jordison who had a fantastic one under gross off his six handicap to amass an unbeatable 43pts. Well done Brad. Playing with Ron Dickie, also a six marker, Brad left him in his wake making Ron’s 37pts look rather ordinary, leaving him in second place which probably on most other days, would have been enough to win. Club member Tony Garnett rounded off the podium in third with 34.

Andy Stewart (Brad’s mate) celebrated his new teeth by winning the second Div with 37pts from John Fitzgerald (35) and Steve Durey (34). John leaves on a high after his second place today as he and his wife, Maggie, are off back to Ireland tomorrow and we shall see you here, perhaps more permanently, when you both return in December.

Once again there were no ‘2’s.

Div A (0 – 14)

1st Jordison, Brad 43 pts (06)

2nd Dickie, Ron 37 pts (06)

3rd Garnett, Tony 34 pts (14)

Div B (15+)

1st Stewart, Andy 37 pts (15)

2nd Fitzgerald, John 35 pts (18)

3rd Durey, Steve 34 pts (19)

Friday, Sept 12, Green Valley – DeVere Monthly Medal & Day 1 of the Outback Decanter

This is a strange old place I find myself in after a very long absence, after seeing my handicap slip out over the last 5 years from 7 to 22, to be at the top of the pile, in a medal competition of all things, not only winning this month’s DeVere Monthly Medal, presented by Greg Hirst but also leading the two day 7th Anniversary tournament going into Burapha on Monday.

A fantastic turn out to celebrate the Outback’s birthday, originally of 44, but with a couple of no shows reduced to 42, and a few regulars away back in Aus or on holiday – so give yourselves a pat on the back for all turning up on time which makes the starter’s life easier (thank-you Suzi) and your support is really appreciated.

Day 2 kicked off on Monday, Sept. 15, at Burapha, where all those within 8 shots of the lead (net 75’s) competed in another round of stroke play for the coveted Outback Decanter (Frank O’Neill Memorial) donated by Martin O’Neill. The day culminated in complimentary food and live music from The Band of Smiles (results next week).

Long time no see Gary Saunders was in second, just one shot back on 68; followed home by a five way tie for third on 70 involving Tony Aslett, Geoff Stimpson, Barney Clarkson (who left for Aus last night), Bob Mattes and Mike Missler.

Special thanks also go to Tim Knight, who has helped out enormously with organising the golf in recent months and cannot play on Monday as he left for Aus immediately after the round today and by the way Tim, you owe all three of us 100 baht.

Finally congratulations to Mike Missler as he won the Low Gross Medal with his 76, well done Mike!

There was only one ‘2’ which came from Suzi on the 5th hole.

DeVere Monthly Medal

1st Moseley, Jack 89 – 22 = 67

2nd Saunders, Gary 84 – 16 = 68

Tie 3rd Aslett, Tony 94 – 24 = 70

Tie 3rd Stimpson, Geoff 78 – 08 = 70

Tie 3rd Clarkson, Barney 94 – 24 = 70

Tie 3rd Mattes, Bob 93 – 23 = 70

Tie 3rd Missler, Mike 76 – 06 = 70