PSC Bunker Boys Golf
Monday, April 12th
Pattana Resort & Country Club B & C
1st Jay Babin (23) 38 points
2nd Geoff Parker (19) 32 points
3rd Michael Brett (15) 30 points
Near pins Jimmy Carr, & Kevin LeBar X 2.
After a weekend of flooding rain in Pattaya, it looked like we might get some more of the same Monday at Pattana. The skies were grey and heavy, thunder rumbled in the distance from whence the wind was blowing and there were flashes of lightning. In a situation never before encountered by many, we had to take shelter for about forty minutes, not from the rain but the lightning.
The course was wet as expected so the pick, clean, and place rule was applied. The wind blew quite strong at times adding to the difficulty. As a result, scoring was very poor apart from the winner Jay Babin who seems to be in the winner’s circle every time he plays lately. On Monday Jay won with daylight to second-placed Geoff Parker. Michael Brett took third on countback from Kevin LeBar. Kevin started off in great form but faded on the back nine. He still managed to bag a brace of near pins with Jimmy taking the third with one unclaimed.
Wednesday, April 14th
Pleasant Valley
1st Mashi Kaneta (16) 35 points
2nd Michael Brett (15) 32 points
3rd Peter Kelly (12) 30 points
Near pins Geoff Parker, Mashi Kaneta, Tony Robbins, & Michael Brett.
After a long absence, we made a return to Pleasant Valley Wednesday. As always the course was a verdant green, the fairways were excellent, the greens slightly slow and the bunkers were in need of a bit of attention. Being a holiday the course was busy, in fact, it was the busiest we have seen any course since the onset of Covid. Several large groups were everywhere which seems to be a feature of this course. We didn’t see a ten-ball as in the past but it wouldn’t surprise if there was one somewhere on the course.
The weather was again overcast, in fact, we got a bit of everything, wind, thunder, lightning, even a few drops of rain. Luckily we managed to stay dry, as despite the rain being less than a kilometer away, only a few drops fell on the course.
Scoring was modest at best. Club Champion Mashi Kaneta making a rare appearance at the Bunker Boys took first place with a score of thirty-five and could have done better. Someone who should have done much better was second-placed Michael Brett with a bit better course management, a very mixed round with thirty-two points. Peter Kelly took third with thirty points. All the near pins were taken with one each to Geoff Parker, Mashi Kaneta, Tony Robbins & Michael Brett.
Friday, April 16th
Mountain Shadow (Blue tees)
1st Les Cobban (7) 32 points
2nd Michael Brett (15) 31 points
3rd Roger Awad (19) 27 points
Near pins Geoff Parker, Roger Awad, Les Cobban, & Michael Brett.
Mountain Shadow was the venue for the last game of the week and was very well priced given it was a holiday week with a green/caddie fee of eight hundred and fifty baht walking. The course was in nice condition apart from the bunkers which were in need of attention. Lately, it seems most courses are neglecting bunkers, which is odd given they are very cheap to maintain, just simply rake them.
Thursday was a beautiful sunny day and we were hoping for the same Friday; alas it was not to be. After threatening for most of the front nine the rain finally came down heavily on the ninth hole. Not a torrential monsoonal downpour but heavy enough to stop play for over half an hour. We thought we may have escaped as the rain curiously came from the direction to which the wind was blowing.
Mountain Shadow is a difficult course at the best of times and demands good course management, something that was lacking Friday and this was reflected in the low scores returned.
For Friday’s winner Les Cobban the caravan keeps rolling along with a winning score of thirty-two off a seven handicap; not too shabby under the circumstances, one ahead of second-placed Michael Brett. A gap to third place with Roger Awad on twenty-seven. Roger did fine on the front nine but faded on the back and went home to bed directly after the game.
Roger did snare a near pin with Geoff Parker, Les Cobban & Michael Brett taking the other three.
After the round, all the talk was about whether or not we would be faced with our third lockdown. At this stage it seems not, but that could change at any time if infection numbers don’t come down.