JJ continues his winning ways at Emerald


After putting off the matchplay competition against Jomtien Golf until later in the year it was back to normal for the Backyard Golf Society’s Friday game at Emerald Golf Course.

With no write-up for the past couple of weeks due to a lack of competitors it was good to see 11 players this week, of which 10 were in all competitions.  We welcomed back Dannie L, Russell and Andy Oz and proceeded to get away from the tee in good time so that we were back in the club house by 13:00.

JJ (standing rear) is congratulated on his win by the staff at Kisses Bar. JJ (standing rear) is congratulated on his win by the staff at Kisses Bar.

JJ ran out the winner with a solid 38 points, two ahead of Russell with 36.  Neville won the nearest the pin prize and took the most skin prizes with (6).  Other skin results were as follows: Andy Oz (5), Terry C (5), Mike (1) and finally Dannie L (1).

With prize giving over it was off down the road to Kisses Bar where Yok deserves a special thanks for laying on some food for us and we returned the compliment by drinking a week’s worth of beer.  The entertainment was good value as well!