John O’Donoghue – the third man


Travellers Rest Golf Group

Something completely unheard of in my living memory happened at the TRGG this past week.  One player played four out of the five competitions and came third on each of the four days, and what is even stranger is that he finished the week on a higher handicap than he started.  So what does that tell you?

Mike Sanders.
Mike Sanders.

Firstly, he must be some kind of millionaire being able to afford to play golf four times a week in Pattaya at the moment.  Secondly, he must currently be the most consistent golfer in Pattaya and thirdly that, looking at his scores for the week, he only just bettered his handicap on one occasion which was enough for him to go out a point on his handicap, so how lucky is that?

One thing for sure I shall be wanting to know what lottery number he is intending to buy next time out.  So doff your caps to big John O’Donoghue, the retired Aussie train operative.  Any chance you are going back to work anytime soon John, so the rest of us can get a look in?

Monday, August 15, Pattana – Stableford

The golfing week commenced on Monday at Pattana (B and C courses) and it turned out to be a low scoring affair and once again I am writing about the man with no name.  Take no notice of what is written below against the number one slot that could just as easily read James Bond.  This man keeps leaping out of the shadows, winning one of our golf competitions and disappearing in a puff of smoke.

Little is known of this Asian gentleman other than he is pretty good at golf and he doesn’t like his photo being taken.  In second place it was old gravel voice himself Jim Cooper, our enigmatic Scotsman who likes a drop of the hard stuff.  No need to say anything further about the guy coming in third, yes you guessed it, John O’Donoghue.

1st Seil Peter (6) 34pts

2nd Jim Cooper (16) 33pts

3rd John O’Donoghue (18) 29pts

Tuesday, August 16, Burapha – Stableford

On Tuesday it was off to Burapha ((A and B courses) once again.  This week only one player bettered his handicap, which is most unusual as high scoring is normally par for the course around Burapha.  That man was Darren Stanton, another guy I have never been able to catch up with to take his photo., In second place it was our mop haired Kiwi Jeff Bunn who played exactly to his handicap.

The only third place up for grabs this week went to Philip Starkey so well done to him.

1st Darren Stanton (15) 37pts

2nd Jeff Bunn (6) 36pts

3rd Philip Starkey (10) 35pts

Wednesday, August 17, Greenwood – Stableford

The TRGG returned once again to Greenwood (A and B courses) on Wednesday. This time it turned out to be a terribly close run affair with the leading seven golfers being covered by just three points.

Roger Wilkinson.
Roger Wilkinson.

In top spot all on his own was the perma-tanned Mike Sanders, who I know lives for golf and is always out practicing.  In second place Philip Starkey bettered his previous day’s score by two points, which was good enough to move himself up a place.  Jonny O’Donoghue only lost out on second place on a count back but that would have ruined my story.  John should not complain anyway as he beat two other guys who also finished with 37 points.

1st Mike Sanders (6) 38pts

2nd Philip Starkey (10) 37pts

3rd John O’Donoghue (19) 37pts

Thursday, August 18, Green Valley – Stableford

On Thursday it was back to Green Valley and my old buddy Roger Wilkinson had a good day and rattled up 40 points, which was far too good for all the rest who finished miles behind.  Joe Nagle and John O’Donoghue fought it out for second and third places, with Joe just getting the upperhand after another count back.  So John ended up third once again. Oh dear, how sad, never mind.

1st Roger Wilkinson (14) 40pts

2nd Joe Nagle (13) 35pts

3rd John O’Donoghue (19) 35pts

Friday, August 19, Eastern Star – Stableford

It was the turn of Eastern Star to provide the day’s challenge on Friday and normally a very trying challenge it is.  Indeed only one player bettered his handicap on the day and that was Keith R Evans, playing only his second round at the TRGG.  His admirable 39 points won the day and he walked off with all the dosh.  In second place came Noom Baxter who came very close to playing to her 40 handicap.  The Third Man as you are now aware was not Orson Wells but of course John O’Donoghue.

1st Keith R Evans (18) 39pts

2nd Noom Baxter (40) 35pts

3rd John O’Donoghue (19) 34pts

Good luck to all you golfers for the coming week and if you would like to play a round of golf with the TRGG, please phone Derek Thoro­good on 080 673 3118 or pop into the Valentines Guest House Restaurant and Bar in Soi Lengkee and add your name to the weekly lists which are posted on the notice board.