Jomtien golfers hold the edge over Ban Chang rivals


Jomtien Golf with the IPGC

Monday, Jan. 31, Plutaluang – Stableford.

There were mixed reviews as we arrived today as to the condition and the selection of the two courses the starters had selected for our 41 players.  The West and North, probably the best test of golf here, were allocated to us and we tee’d off 15 minutes ahead of schedule.

Considering it looked the busiest environment we have ever seen here, we were happy to find there were no problems whatsoever after the transfer from the front nine to the West course for everybody.

Thirty-six points was the best score in all 4 divisions with Marty Aronson winning division 3.  William Chang was in second two points behind and Daniel Hayem took third on 32.

The match-play teams line up at Eastern Star. The match-play teams line up at Eastern Star.

The Irish boy, Cully Monks, now playing off 18 and still wearing a mask and has no idea where a bell is in Siam Cats, won division 2 with 35 points.  Kari Aarnio, with his last game with us before his return to Finland for personal reasons (we are all thinking of you Kari), was second with 32 and Bryan Rought came in third with 31 points.

Mike Combs, playing off 13 and before his return trip to Hawaii, won division 1 with 34 points, while playing off 8 Pete Sumner came in second with 32 and Peter Pedder was third with 31.

Herma Fitzgerald took out the ladies division with 26 points with Claude Hayem second one point behind.

Near pins were won by Herma Fitzgerald (2), Mike Conbs, Andy O’Neill, Tony Thorne (2), Jeff Hamilton and Burnie Sinclair.

In the ‘2’s today Tony Thorne birdied the eighth on the West course and Jef Hamilton the lighthouse hole to win the first and second division prizes.

Friday, Feb, 4,Eastern Star – Match-Play & Stableford

There is now an annual match-play competition between Siam Cats and the Backyard Golf Society, formerly known as the Ban Chang Boys based at Mama’s Bar in Ban Chang.  There were twelve in each team with one round here and the other leg at Emerald the following Friday.

The two captains drive off first, Chris Voller for Siam Cats and Dave Richards for the BY boys and this will be an interesting competition over the next week.

The best results of the day came in with Chris beating Dave 5/3, Harry Vincenzi winning 5/4, Dangle for the BY boys triumphing 3/2 and Mike Chatt was five up after eight holes but only won at the end 2/1.

In a very competitive and much enjoyed competition Siam Cats go to Emerald this Friday with a 7.5 points to 4.5 points lead over the BY boys.  There were smiles all round at Cats later.

There were still 42 out in our normal Friday stableford competition with three divisions for the men plus the ladies of course.  The cut today was 5-15, 16-19 and 20 + and the best score of the day was in division 1 with Timo Ahvenainen coming in with 38 points.  Alan Griffths beat his arch rival Alan Pilkington for second place on a 20/17 back nine count-back after they both came in with 36 points.

Jerry McCarthy’s 37 won division 2, beating Jan Sordal (alias Sassa) by 4 points and Tom Breslin was third after beating Dennis Scougal 17/15 on a count-back after they both shot 29 points.

Lee Casey took podium position in division 3 with 36 points, with David Phillips second on 33 and Tony Holehouse third on 32 points.

Toi Blair won the ladies division with 33 points, with Herma Fitgerald second one point behind.  Herma also birdied the 17th for the only ‘2’ in her division but there were an amazing six in division 1 for Ian Bakewell, Jean Bruneau, Alan Griffiths, Arthur Hancock, Ya Riley and Dave Wheeler.  Jerry McCarthy was smiling with the only birdie in division 2.

Near pins went to Toi Blair, Herma Fitzgerald (2), Ian Bakewell, Andy Galvin, Alan Griffiths, Harry Riley, Jerry McCarthy, Eugine Maguire and Errki Pohja.

It was Bon Voyage today to Andy O’Neill who has been with us for nine weeks, see you soon!