The Cafe Kronborg Golf Society
Thursday, Jan. 4, Pleasant Valley – Stableford
A Flight (0-23)
1st Richard Kubicki (14) 37pts
2nd Brian Gabe (19) 33pts
3rd Rob Brown (10) 33pts
B Flight (24+)
1st Carole Kubicki (25) 41pts
2nd Jan Lovgreen (24) 39pts
3rd Graham Buckingham (24) 38pts
Near Pins: Andre Van Dyke.
Long Putts: Jan Badura.
Cafe Kronborg played at Pleasant Valley on Thursday and the venue was very busy due to it being the first round after the New Year festivities. However, the day was further prolonged due to the presence of a dreaded 5-ball, waiting on every shot and multiple groups waiting at the tee-boxes was the norm. Five hours to play 15 holes is way too slow to be pleasant.
The course was in pretty good condition and the organiser in his wisdom decided to play the A flight off the blue tees and the B flight off the white tees. Needless to say the A flight somewhat struggled but this was maybe somewhat surprising as the PSC rates this 6,353 yard course with a slope of only 68!
Back in the clubhouse the cards told the true story, with the scores being as expected, the A flight struggling and the B flight creaming it.
Richard Kubicki was the winner in the premier flight with a solid 37 points and was the only A-flighter to beat his handicap. Second and third place was decided on countback with both Brian Gabe and Rob Brown having a respectable 33 points. Brian took second place with 18 points on the back nine, beating Rob who only had 14.
In the B flight, Carole Kubicki, the other half of the Kubicki family, took first place with the best score of the day, a superb 41 points and a welcome return to form for Carole. Never far away from the prizes, Jan Lovgreen took second place with 39 points while Graham Buckingham took third with 38.