PSC Golf from Siam Country Resort Pattaya
On Tuesday 1st December we went to Plutaluang, where we played the North and West loop. It was a nice day with a cool breeze. The course was in good condition, but not easy to play. Most of us had problems playing to our normal level.
Willem Lasonder was the most consistent and won with 33 Stableford points. Second was Jonathan Pratt with 27 Stableford points.
Near pins: Dave Smith and Joseph.
Bangpra was our venue for Thursday 3rd December. We again had a nice sunny day with a cool breeze. The course was in good condition, although the bunkers were washed out, and the speed of the greens was not always the same, which made putting difficult.
It was again Willem Lasonder who was the most consistent and won with 34 Stableford points. Jonathan Pratt and Dave Smith came close with 33 Stableford points. Jonathan beat Dave on the count back.
Near pins: Dave Smith and Jonathan Pratt.