Lee’s Burapha blitz

Lawrence Lee & Neil Wilkinson.
Lawrence Lee & Neil Wilkinson.

The Traveller’s Rest Golf Group

Monday, Oct. 15, Greenwood – Stableford

1st Derek Thorogood (18) 38pts

2nd Graeme Gamble (13) 38pts

3rd Jim Sykes (14) 36pts

Greewood on Monday and the scribe managed to overcome the dreaded shanks long enough to keep the ball in the sweet spot and post six pars on the back nine. His inward twenty-two points proved enough to beat Graeme Gamble on a countback to claim the first prize.

Tuesday, Oct. 16, Green Valley – Stableford

1st Neil Wilkinson (14) 42pts

2nd Ron Hulen (14) 35pts

3rd Richard Talbot (16) 34pts

Tuesday we were back at the Valley where Neil Wilkinson had a steady front nine with eighteen points but absolutely smashed it on the back nine with an incredible display of iron shots to pick up a further twenty four points, beating his closest rival by a massive seven shots.

Wednesday, Oct. 17, Pattana – Stableford

1st John O’Donoghue (21) 36pts

2nd Bobby Rattanaruangsup (22) 35pts

3rd New Boysen (21) 35pts

We drove up the 331 to Pattana in beautiful sunshine and not a dark cloud in sight, however this all changed by the 9th hole with the loudest clap of thunder most of us had ever heard. About a minute later another one went off which was even louder than the first and with the siren wailing across the course everyone scurried to the nearest drinks station for cover. Within minutes a mini-tornado blew rain at right angles and we were treated to an awesome display of the power of Mother Nature. After about an hour or so it began to subside and almost fifteen minutes later we were back out on the course with the sun belting down and in steaming hot sauna conditions. Don’t you just love the Thai weather?

Anyway, undeterred John O’Donoghue had a nineteen point start and ended up completing the round with a very respectable 36 points to take the day’s honours.

Thursday, Oct. 18, Phoenix – Stableford

1st Don Hawkins (15) 33pts

2nd Mike Rushant (11) 32pts

3rd Alex Fenwick (20) 32pts

You may remember the “Hawk” who went M.I.A earlier in the year, well he’s back again and today he took on the mighty Phoenix and clipped its wings to claim victory with a measly 33 points. Normally Phoenix records some very high scores but not today. Although the “Hawk” may have won the battle, Phoenix was the real victor holding the entire field to below par!

Friday, Oct. 19, Burapha – Stableford

Division 1

1st Mike Rushant (12) 39pts

2nd Gerry Fernandez (12) 34pts

3rd Bill Reid (11) 33pts

Division 2

1st Lawrence Lee (27) 45pts

2nd Alex Fenwick (12) 40pts

3rd Andrew Rich (12) 40pts

It was this time last week on A & B courses at Burapha that Lawrence Lee claimed his first ever TRGG win with forty points. Well today he completely blew that out of the water by posting the week’s highest score as well as his own personal best score of 45 points to take out division 2’s number one spot.

In division one it was Mike “The Machine” Rushant, who popped his shoulder earlier in the week when he fell out of bed, that fought on through the pain and impressed everyone with a fine round of 39 points.

Saturday, Oct. 20, Treasure Hill – Stableford

1st Richard Talbot (18) 31pts

2nd John O’Donoghue (14) 31pts

3rd Tommy Bjerrum (36) 30pts

We closed the week out at Treasure Hill where Richard Talbot finally got his name on the leader board and won the day on a count back with 31 points. Once again it was the course that emerged victorious as only three players shot thirty points or better.