Little hits the big time


PSC Golf from the Blue Moose Sports Bar

Good scores were the order of the day at Pattaya Country Club last week and none was better than Jimmy Little’s 41 stableford points to win his first ever monthly tournament after 17 years of trying.  Right on his heels were Joe St. Laurent and Gay Wilanan with 39 points each while the also-rans included Paul Kraft with 38, and Kenny Cooke and Glen “Superman” Peters, each shooting their handicap with 36 points apeice.

Kenny was knocked off the near pin contenders list on hole number 5 by Bill Thompson who drew a free tequila shot for his effort.  Ken was also on the 16th but was again knocked off, this time by ‘Superman’.  He received a voucher for a free breakfast at the Blue Moose while Joe laid claim to parring all of the par 3’s, including two from bunkers.

Jimmy Little (centre) celebrates winning his first ever monthly golf tournament.Jimmy Little (centre) celebrates winning his first ever monthly golf tournament.

All of the golfers agreed that the course was in the best shape that they had seen it in for quite some time.  The new clubhouse has been opened and is quite impressive.  Hopefully, now that it’s finished, all attention will be focused on maintenance and improvement of the course itself.