Local knowledge no obstacle for Lodge

Teddy Lodge.
Teddy Lodge.

The Tara Court Golf Society

Tuesday, July 31, Nass Golf Club – Stableford

We had the second leg of our Irish Tour here today at beautiful Naas Golf Club outside Dublin. In weather which is still more like Thailand than Ireland we had another very enjoyable day with many of our friends from different parts of the emerald isle again joining us.

Despite the fact that there has been virtually no rain here in Ireland for months the course, although dry and hard, was still in very good condition. We had some very good golf here on a layout which is not easy and even more so today as it was difficult to judge distance with the run on the ball.

It seems like some of our friends play better on a course which they are not familiar with, maybe it is because they are just hitting in hope rather than thinking they know what they are doing as our two top players were playing here for their first time. Teddy Lodge came out on top with an excellent thirty eight points and John Rush came second with thirty seven and for both of them it was their first time here. Brian Lawlor, who is a member here, took the third place with thirty four points.