Jomtien Golf with the IPGC
Wednesday, Sept. 14, Mt. Shadow – Stableford
We were washed out on Monday at Pattana after seven holes and all groups returned to the clubhouse where we received a nine-hole rain check for our next game there in three weeks time.

As we leave Frasers on Wednesday the forecast for the Siricha area was not too promising but as we headed up the highway the clouds in the distance dispersed and we arrived at the Mt. Shadow clubhouse to a sunny outlook.
There was an equal cut of 9-13.5 and 13.7+ in the two divisions and returning the best score of the day was Terry Madsen who won division 1 with 39 points. Chris Voller came in eight points behind Terry to take second and Andres Holder was third with 30 points.
Paul Butler was on the podium again, this time with a mediocre score of 32 points but it was still enough to win division 2. William Chang was second one point behind and Khalifa Nasser took third (no score mentioned).
Terry Madsen and William Chang secured near pin prizes and Terry also birdied the 8th and 15th to win the ‘2’s pot in division 1.
Friday, Sept. 16, Eastern Star – Stableford
There was no threat of any rain here today and with six groups out the equal cut was set at 8-15.5 and 15.6+ in the two divisions. At last the course management has had the staff circle the rough patches on the fairways here with white lines and we now have G.U.R. on these holes.
Playing off 29, Juergen Heinzius topped division 2 standings with 35 points while Tony Thorne was second on count back over Frank Kelly after they both came in with 33 points each.
Bill Bertram was the winner in division 1 with 33 points and there were three players fighting for the minor places, with Mikael Andersson taking the runner-up spot on count back and Brian Green edging Tim Taylor for third.
Near pins went to (Div 1) Bill Bertram, Paul Hartley and Chris Voller, and (Div 2) Juergen Heinzius and Frank Kelly (2).
There was nobody on the green today in either division on the sixth hole and also no ‘2’s in either division so rollovers to next Friday.