Maffray on the mark at Green Valley


PSC Golf from The Billabong Golf Bar

Wednesday, July 20, Green Valley – Stableford

Following the thunder, lightning and heavy rain of the two previous nights you could be forgiven for thinking when you awoke early on Wednesday morning that we might give golf a miss today.  But the regulars from the Billabong are made of sterner stuff and when we arrived at the course, others obviously had some misgivings for there were only 15 cars in the car park.

From left, George Barrie, Kevin Wild and Peter Henderson.
From left, George Barrie, Kevin Wild and Peter Henderson.

Dark, thunderous clouds hung heavy over the course but, when walking to the first tee, there was a hint of an improvement on the horizon.  By the time we played a hole or so, the rain clouds had dissipated making way for the sunshine, albeit watery, and we had a near perfect day for golf but a little watery underfoot ensuring that there was no run on the ball.

Thanks to the hospitality of Michael Williams who owns the Ban Tong Tong Resort we were able to have the presentation around the pool and we soon found that the Wild bandwagon continued today with Miss Som Wild being reluctant to give up her ladies flight podium spot, which she has occupied for the last month, by winning the day with 37 points and establishing a clear margin over the runner up, Miss Karn, who had 34 points.

Kevin Hamilton missed out on a 3 way count back when he blobbed – or wiped if you come from Australia – hole 15 and put 2 balls in the water at the 16th to allow Glyn Davies to claim 4th and Capt. Bob to hold on to 3rd, all three having  35 points.  Brian Scott came good today with 37 points but J.P. Maffray was supreme, taking top spot with 38 points.

There were only three 2s which went to Miss Usa, John Fitzgerald and Glyn Davies, but we were not finished there for Michael Williams generously provided two lucky dip prizes of vouchers at his resort.  Miss Da picked the lucky recipients from the hat, the first going to John Player but she was drawn, irrevocably, to her own card to win the second voucher.  Many thanks Michael for a great afternoon.

Friday, July 22, Burapha – Stableford

After a great breakfast we headed along the 7 highway to our usual Friday venue, Burapha.  The car park was empty when we got there but when we had finished the cars were stacked on top of each other, they were everywhere and it transpired there was quite a large tournament on A and B.

We played the C and D loops, which are the harder of the two courses in the scribe’s opinion and it certainly proved the case today as the scoring was very ordinary.  We played the bunkers as GUR as with the amount of rain they must have had on the course they were just sticky mud.

We had an old friend, Peter Henderson, playing with us from Singapore in his first game in 4 months and he scored a creditable 24 points and won all the sixes – not a bad effort Pete.  Greg Ritchie had to go to the PSC to sort out his handicap but the girls in the office put a smile on his face when they gave him his new one.

The scores, as previously stated, were ordinary and in a count back between Auke and George Barrie, both with 32 points, George got the nod for third with a slightly better back nine.  Alistair Gall took second with 33 points and the top spot again went to the Wild family, this time to Kevin with 34 points.

There were two 2s, coming from Alistair Gall and Auke.