Mark edges Mashi on count back


PSC golf from Tropical Bert’s

Tuesday, Dec. 18, Pleasant Valley – Stableford

This course is becoming a standard on our monthly schedule and over the last few years has continued to improve, so at this time of the year it has moved up to a Tuesday spot.  On this day, early at Bert’s, the place was full and despite a few last minute drop-outs we still had a good number who turned up.  Then it was into the cars and down the road, after most had sampled Bert’s golfers breakfast, it put a bit of energy into the players.

Arriving at the course we were not surprised to see that there were a fair number of golfers there and after a quick book-in we were soon outside and ready to go, however, it was to find we were off the 10th Tee, no problem really as the back-nine is not a bad test.

Mark West & Carol Kubicki Mark West & Carol Kubicki

Soon off we found that the fairways were well grassed and in fact had a lot of water on them, however the ball normally had a bit of run even if it did pick up a bit of mud.  On the fairways the ball did tend to sit up a bit as it was grassy, but get into the rough and it proved a test.

We battled on and for a change the reason was that it was hot and humid, not pouring down, it was one of those days that seem to be really draining.  Me I was fine, I was in a cart so could sit and watch as these fine ‘young’ men proved how fit they were and melted in the sun.

It was a decent round really, but there was a bit of flagging towards the end.  Even my cart complained and didn’t stop making a bleeping noise till the mechanic came out.  Still, with good fairways, heavy rough and greens that were a bit scarred, we all still enjoyed it.

The showers here are good, and a cool shower went down well, and in the restaurant, after we had ordered, one of our more adventuresome players went outside to discover they had a fine barbeque.  Bit late for some, a sign would have sent many outside.  Weird.

Back at Bert’s I was a little surprised we were so late, and Bert’s was packed.  Still, Ted moved and allowed me to sit down, fine fellow, and I was reminded that Mashi, ‘Master Tailor’ that he is, had made a special cover for the seat I sit on.  What a fine fellow, even more padding in the right area.

So onto the presentation: In the A Flight, 0 to 18, we had a count back on 41 points that saw Mark West as the winner and Mashi in second.  No favoritism was gained for my seat.  In third was Ted Morris with 37 points.

In the B Flight all the players had ignored the ‘Kubicki Warning’ I had put out, so the winner was Carol Kubicki with 37 points.  In second was Jack Robertson with 36 points and in third was Daryl Evans with 35.

Results over I went and sat on my newly padded seat and had a few beers.

Near Pins:  Steve Hamstad, Paul Sharples, Tom Cotton, Ted Morris

Long Putts:  Carole Kubicki, Mashi Kaneta

Friday, Dec. 21, The Emerald – Stableford

Have you ever had one of those days?  Well this is how this day, and the previous afternoon, turned out.  There I was sitting with my feet up on the Thursday afternoon, with the prospect of a free run into Xmas, and no intention of playing till Boxing Day.  Then the phone rang and I was volunteered to run Friday as ‘The Warberger’ was sick.  So no problem, jump in my car and nip around to Bert’s next morning and off we go.  So I told the wife I needed the car and as she was ‘visiting family’, no problem she would drive back by late Thursday.

Late Thursday the good news was that the car would not start, ‘listen to the clicking when I turn it over’.  So no car, and even worse no golf clubs, what to do!?  So I phoned Keith and suggested he play golf next day, but as he was ‘having a drink’ he did not fancy it.  Then came the bombshell, “You can borrow my car and clubs.”  Now Keith’s car is practically new, so a great honour, except ‘Madam’ would look for every mark and playing with Keith’s clubs would be really good, especially as I sold him the irons ten years ago as I couldn’t hit them.

However must is must, so next morning off I went in Keith’s nice new car to book players in for the game.  Suffice to say the transport was really tight with Dick and Mashi not there, so it was crow bar the players into the transport and finally off we all went.

We were soon onto the first tee, and fortunately were straight off.  The course was as you would expect, the fairways were a bit hairy and the greens were used, but the main problem was the heat.  It was a hot and humid day and all the players were bushed,

Round soon over it was into transport and back to Bert’s, where Keith was waiting.  He tells me that he just came for a beer, but we know better.  At least I did not have to drive it again and not a mark in sight.  Then into the presentation.

In the A Flight, 0 to 15, the winner was Mike Gaussa with 36 points ahead of Alan Sullivan in second with 35 points and Max Scott in third with 34.

In the B Flight we had the best score with the winner Mick Coghlan having 38 points ahead of Mark West with 35 points and Walter Baechli in third with 32.  T.T.F.N.

Near Pins:  Mike Gaussa, Rob Brown, Brian Parish, Noel Pittard

Long Putts:  Max Scott, Mike Gaussa