Mashi king of the hill once more


PSC golf from Tropical Bert’s

Tuesday, July 30, Green Valley – Stableford

This was one of the biggest days of the golf year at Tropical Bert’s as we were not only announcing the MBMG Group Golfer of the Month, but also the MBMG Group Golfer of the Year as well.  Most exciting was that the whole thing was up for grabs as any one of several players could come home as winner of all, and although Mashi was as usual the favourite, he would have to play well to win.

One thing we have found this year is that all over the place numbers have been falling, so it was no surprise that on this morning the chosen few gathered in Bert’s to take the trip up to Green Valley.  But sometimes the real gems turn up and at least five players were still in it and gunning for Mashi.

Mashi Kaneta (right) receives his Golfer of the Year trophy and prize from MBMG Group’s Simon Philbrook.Mashi Kaneta (right) receives his Golfer of the Year trophy and prize from MBMG Group’s Simon Philbrook.

Soon booked in and changed we came out to that most annoying of sounds, rain drumming on the roof, and all decided to sit and have a cup of something and see what the weather brought.  Well it brought more rain, but with time going on we decided to get to the start and tee-off in the now slowing rain.  In fact with the temperature falling it actually felt quite nice.

It did not stop raining all the way through the front nine and despite the fact I played very well and was well ahead of Mashi, the wind, rain and cold certainly was beginning to get to me in particularly.  It was thought those in carts got colder than those walking and to me I seemed to be freezing.  Thirty years in the sun felt on this day like all my aches and pains came home to roost. On the back nine the swing got shorter and the ball did as it wanted.

Tuesday winner Tom Herrington.Tuesday winner Tom Herrington.

The rain pretty well continued all the way around, with the fairways wet and soggy, the bunkers wet and soggy and guess what? … the greens were sanded, wet and soggy!  The rough was not too good either, just like the rest of the course it was quite difficult.  Indeed one of our players was so down that he said that if he did not sink his putt on the last hole he would never play golf again – so we gave him the putt.  However, this is still a very fine course; just do not come when it is pouring down.

Once back in the changing rooms it was time to get into a warm shower and warm up.  Sometimes here it really does get cold, well not as cold as a cold day in Europe or America but when you have lived here for many years the blood is thin.  So a warm shower set us up for a quick cup of ‘tea!’ in the German Restaurant and best of all a bowl of pea soup with sausage, and really, very fine it was.  It really warmed a cold body up.  Feeling replete it was time to get back to Bert’s.

This being a special day we had asked Simon Philbrook of MBMG Group to come along to present the prizes but we had first of all to decide who had won the various competitions.  The winner on the day was to be Tom Herrington with 37 points.  Now the interesting bit, who came in with points, and in second was Mashi Kaneta with 34 points on count back over the scribe Derek Brook in third and this was to prove pivotal.  Still, well played Tom!

So to the Golfer of the Month and with his second place on count back Mashi Kaneta got enough points to take the award.  The scribe thus missed out, how sad.  Still, you have to give Mashi his due as he is a great competitor.

So finally to the MBMG Golfer of the Year award and with the points gained on the day Mashi, for the third year on the trot, took the MBMG Group title as the most consistent golfer of the year.  What can one say but congratulations from all!

By the way there were a few beers flying around so sometimes it is really good when Mashi wins.  But finally a big thank you to MBMG Group for sponsoring and Bert for letting us play from Tropical Bert’s and looking after the golfers so well.

Friday, August 2, Wangjuntr – Stableford

A very early start from Tropical Bert’s for the 1 hour 20 minute drive to Wangjuntr saw us arrive at what was essentially a very quiet car park, as there were no more than 10 vehicles there.  Soon out onto the course we noticed the temperature was excellent and there was little wind and no rain.

Pu is flanked by Friday’s top two, Mick Coghlan and Steve Compton.Pu is flanked by Friday’s top two, Mick Coghlan and Steve Compton.

The course itself was in excellent condition with all areas of GUR clearly marked and the undulating greens running at a good speed.  Our three groups all finished in under 4 hours and we only saw two other groups on the course.  Wangjuntr is in fine shape at the moment and despite being so far from Pattaya is well worth a visit.

On returning to Bert’s we announced the results and Mick Coghlan won with 33 points on count back ahead of Steve Compton in second and Dick Warberg in third.  T.T.F.N.