McAdam fires magic round at Green Valley


The Billabong Bar Golf Society

Monday, Dec. 2, Eastern Star – Stableford

There was a welcome and goodbye today at Eastern Star as Dave and Liz Collier joined us from England and Gary Hogg was about to leave us for Oz to go back to work and Ralph Hymer on his way back home to England. 

Playing from the white markers we were off to an early start with three groups, it was a bit windy and one golfer was heard to say, “I only lost about 10 balls in this wind, glad they’re cheap ones.”  Ralph started playing here about six weeks ago off a 28 handicap and got down to 19, which was what he played off today.  Not bad at all, but today his score of 26 points didn’t make the prizes.

John O’Flynn and Orn Tinpranee.John O’Flynn and Orn Tinpranee.

Coming in fourth place today on a count back was Ted Gardner with 34 points, just edging out Dave Collier.  Third place went to Gary Hogg with 35 points and in second was John Locke with a fine 38 point score.  First place went to Owen Walkley with 39 points and although this is not his favourite course, he handled the wind better than most.

Wednesday, Dec. 4, Green Valley – Stableford

We got some terrible news just before we teed off today – a phone call no one ever wants.  Our chef, Cookie Wan as she was known by all at the Billabong, had passed away this morning.  It was much too early for her as she was only 46 years old and leaves behind a little boy and girl.  We will remember you with fond memories Wan, and our thoughts are with your family.

The greens today here were like putting on a glass top table.  I don’t think they have been that fast ever before, but some of the groups out there seemed to have no problems with them judging by the scores.

It was welcome today to the family of Robert Marsh, over from Germany for a holiday and some golf.

The prize’s went down to fourth place, which was taken by Barry McIntosh with 37 points while in third place was Wayne Cotterell on 38.  Second went to Peter Le Noury with a fine 40 points but taking the line honours was Bruce McAdam with a magic 42 points.  Well done mate – what a round of golf!

There were five ‘2’s coming from Geert, Dennis Pelly, Neil Carter, John Anderson and Bill Marsden.

Friday, Dec. 6, Pattavia Century – Stableford

What a pleasant surprise to play the former Century Chonburi again.  The last time we played here the facilities were dreadful and the course left a lot to be desired.

With a 9 am start we got off a little early but it was a slow day out of nearly five hours, which doesn’t make for good golf.  The course however was in wonderful condition and the staff were very friendly and attentive.  When the new club house gets built it will be better again as you will be able to have a hot shower.

The scores today were ordinary to say the least it took a little lady to show the way and the ladies didn’t get too much of a head start, in that the ladies tee’s were close to the men’s in most cases.  It plays from the white tee’s a distance of just over 6,600 yards and it is a good challenge with greens like lightening if you get above the hole.

In fifth place today was Owen Walkley with 30 points, just edged out of fourth by Wayne Cotterell on a count back.  Third place went to Mick Inge with 31 points and second to John O’Flynn with a fine 34 off his zero handicap.  But first spot, as stated, went to Jittina Tinpranee with a great 35 points.

The rest of the field, myself included, were down in the low 20s but we will be back for another go.

There were five ‘2’s from Jeff North, Peter Nixon, Waldo, and Nut had two and donated her prize to our late chef, Cookie Wan.  Thank you on behalf on her family.

Note:  If you are looking for a game of golf, just call Bob on 082 204 3411 or call into the bar.  We are just off Siam Country Club Road looking straight down Lake Mabprachan.